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"Naomi I know you promised me we'd meet up more because I've barely seen you this year, but this is not what I had in mind" Elliott mumbled, frowning at their current situation

Looking over her shoulder to find Elliott trailing behind her whilst she looked over the racks upon racks of lingerie in the shop, Naomi laughed at his annoyed face, "I told you I was busy Elliott, but you insisted that coming with me to work wouldn't bother you"

Busy wasn't even the word to describe Naomi and Theo's schedules the moment they stepped onto campus for term three. Neither were complaining as they knew the other had responsibilities other than the other but it was still annoying not seeing the other as often as they wanted to.

Literally forty minutes before Naomi met up with Elliott, she was walking through campus, and, well...

Theo was walking through campus, as he usually did for his lecture when he saw that same girl he got to call his girlfriend rush past him, head buried in her phone walking past him on the campus streets.

He had a lecture in ten minutes but he could be late, he'd be late if it meant just talking to Naomi for a moment.

Anything for her.

Jogging after her, not realising how quickly her short legs could actually move, he managed to catch up to her, as she made a stop at the crossing, waiting for the traffic lights to turn green to walk across the road.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, which caused her to instantly tense, Theo brushed his lips over her exposed neck, as she inhaled his signature scent, immediately relaxing into his arms, releasing that it was infact her boyfriend's arms wrapped around her protectively.

"Theo!" She giggled, failing to be serious from the moment she felt him press his lips against cheek, as she wanted to scold him for scaring her like that as if she didn't realise it was him so easily, she would of pepper sprayed him or kneed him in the balls a second later

"Hey baby, haven't see you around" he mumbled, turning her head to look at him so he could finally see her beautiful face after so long

"I know, I know I've been busy" she sighed, noticing the cars beginning to stop at the crossing as her light turned green so she began to attempt to walk across the road

Theo made no move to let go of her and instead, kept his arms securely around her waist as he waddled behind her, hearing her laugh at his clinginess.

"Oh I know so have I. We've barely gotten to see each other and I hate it" he frowned, knowing that they both had their reasons, but didn't want their entire third term consisting of five minute coincidental meet ups in the middle of the street

"I know, I miss you" she admitted

"I miss you two baby, but someone else also misses you" he whispered as he nuzzled his head into her neck

"Who?" She asked, confused as to who else would miss her, as she felt him press his crotch to her bum "Oh!" She gasped, realising exactly what he meant, "We can't Theo I'm on my way to the office" she told him - knowing that a quickie would be out of the question as getting all the way back to either of their houses, undressing, doing the deed and then getting redressed and getting to wherever they needed to be on time wasn't going to happen

"And I'm on my way to a lecture" he shrugged, knowing that they both had placed to be, "But we can find time"

"How?" She asked, as she slowly felt him unwrap his arms from around her, making her body slightly cold despite the spring air.

"I'll show you" he smiled, grabbing ahold of her hand and pulling her towards one of the art and design buildings on campus

Towards the right of the building was the infamous pathway that everyone took as a short cut for the art and design sector and to the business sector.

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