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(Tae was getting ready for his office and was abt to leave when his dad called him)

TAE DAD : Taehyung...

TAE: Yes dad...

TAE DAD: Pls sit near for a bit

(Tae noded and sat near his dad and his dad spoke)

TAE DAD : Tae do u love or have someone with u?

TAE : No dad and u know tht i hate being in relationship...

TAE DAD: My tiger can u do one thing for ur dad?

TAE: Sure...

TAE DAD : Pls get married to my best friend Mr. Jeon son jeon Jungkook...
TAE: App-----

TAE DAD : Pls tae for me he is a very good boy and handsome also pls tae.... I am sure u will be happy with him....

TAE : Ok fine if u r happy then i will do the marriage....

TAE DAD: Thanks a lot tae....

(Tae nods his head and went to the office after some time some one knocked on the door tae told them to come in and he saw his bestie)

JIMIN: Hey bro wht happened?? U look so frustrated??

TAE: (Tells everything abt the marriage thing)

JIMIN: Then give it a chance tae, try to give a chance to this marraige??

TAE: Chim u know tht i was never in a relationship and i am a cold type person i don't want my partner to feel bad tht i am cold and cant love him...

JIMIN: Tht is y i am telling you to give it a chance try to be little romantic and try not to sound too cold thts all...

TAE : Fine then i will tr--

(He was interepted by a call from his dad )

TAE: Yes dad?

TAE DAD : Tae i want you to come at xxx restaurant at 7:00 pm we are gonna meet ur future husband today

TAE: Ok dad i will be their

(With tht he hang the call and said everything to jimin)

JIMIN: Ok bro then all the best i will go now

(After tht tae started to work and at 7:00pm he reached the restaurant which he dad told to come he already saw a family along with his one so he bowed and greeted them)

JK DAD: Hlo tae

TAE: Good evening Mr. Jeon

JK DAD : Dont be too formal u r gonna be my son-in-law soon...

(Then jk and tae looked at each other...... )

JK DAD : jungkook he is ur future husband.....

(Jk blushed a little at his fathers word tae found it little cute cause he was like a fluff ball and he was blushing he smiled and greeted tae)

JK: Hlo my name is jeon Jungkook

TAE: Myself kim Taehyung...

TAE DAD: So do u both agree for this marraige??

(Taekook noded their head and the parents were very happy seeing their parents happy even the kids were happy)

TAE (in mind) : I hope everything goes fine and i don't want to hurt this innocent boy...

TAE DAD/JK DAD: Okay then you both will get married next week

(Tae and jk just nodded their head and they left to their house)


                  TO BE CONTINUED.....

Mafia Secret....(Taekook) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now