Chapter 24

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"You seem upset."


I looked down from the ladder I was standing on. Thunder was below me, holding a box of taken down fairy lights. 

It was a day after the whole ball thing, and we were starting to take down the decorations. The painful memory of Sapnap leaving was still stuck in my brain, and I still needed to talk to Wilbur. 

I was stressed out.

"Why would you say that? As far as I'm aware, I'm fine," I replied, looking back up. My hands latched onto the rather large L'Manberg flag that hung from the inside walls. Thunder sighed. 

"I know there's something wrong. Is it because of Sapnap?" he questioned. For a second, I paused, my hands stopping. I gave a low chuckle.

"That obvious?" I murmured, smiling sadly. He shot me a look of empathy, readjusting his red and blue glasses. "Well, I mean, I'm kinda the only one who knows about you and him. That, and I know for a fact that's Sapnap's bandana."

I flushed in embarrassment as he pointed as the white fabric which was tied around my arm. "No one else knows that. Only you," I admitted. "They all think it's some random thing I decided to do."

He shook his head. "You know I'll support you and your love life no matter what. But this is a bit of a far stretch, trying to start something with our enemy. We both know the war isn't going to end any time soon, so I don't know how the hell this is going to work out with you guys," he told me. 

I sighed helplessly. "Maybe it was for the better we return to our old ways. As if we hadn't met before," I said, my smile vanishing. Thunder made a tsk sound in disapproval. "You're already too deep into this shit, (Y/n). Trying to forget about your interest is going to hurt no one but yourself," he warned.

I hummed, climbing up further on the ladder in attempt to reach the top of the flag. "Maybe. Hey, do you mind putting that box down and help me hold the ladder still?" I asked, tilting my head. 

He nodded, settling the box on the floor and held tightly onto my ladder. Climbing up even higher, I could now reach and finally pull down the large decoration.

How the hell did Niki set up this? It's so high up! Probably got a higher ladder or something.

Tugging on it, I made little success. I huffed, slightly annoyed.

"Say, (Y/n). Just how much have you grown attached to Sapnap?" Jack asked conversationally. "Uhm... I can't really give you a direct answer for that," I answered honestly. "I didn't realize I had caught feelings for him until the day he left. So, I'd think it was quite a while back. Maybe, even when he was still behind bars."

"Aw, look at you. All lovey-dovey over poor lil Sappy Nappy," Thunder cooed, mockingly making kissing noises. 

For a second, I blushed madly before harshly yanking down the flag and letting it land on top of him. 

He shrieked as he was engulfed in it. All I saw was a blob sticking out from the large flag that rested on the floor. 

"Be quiet, you bald headed bitch," I grumbled, climbing down the ladder. Thunder's muffled voice came from under the banner as he tried weaving and finding his way out. 

When he lifted the banner and revealed his face, I kicked him in his shoulder. He squeaked. "Ow! Seriously, (Y/n)?" he groaned. 

"Deserved," I shot back, packing up my ladder. "In fact, you're lucky I decided not to kick you in the face." Carefully removing it's pins and metal sides, I slipped it into smaller holdable parts.

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