Chapter 32

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Trot, trot, trot.

My horse walked over the twigs and dirt on the ground, wandering off into an endless forest of trees and nature. It was a moonlit night, a full moon to be exact. The moon shined so brightly it lit up the path way. 

"Stupid Wilbur. After all I've done for this country, he just decides to keep what I want most away from me as a secret. Wil's just a big lair. Ain't that right?" I muttered, speaking to my horse and patting them on the mane. 

The horse only neighed back, but I took that as a response anyways. 

My enchanted bow glowed on my back, giving off a gentle beautiful purple light.

Niki was right. Coming for a walk in the woods was a splendid idea to calm me down. 

I raised my head to look at the sea of stars. A milky way was seen, and the sky looked like a purple-black and little white glowing specks were scattered all across it. 

Didn't the Greece used to say that it looked like spilled milk on a table-?


I stopped, instantly pulling my horse to a halt.

There was a moving sound. And there was no wind. 

Quickly getting off my horse, I whipped out my bow and notched in an arrow. My eyes scanned the area, trying to see any moments of moving. 

After a few minutes, my horse started getting impatient and neighed loudly. "Agh- shit-" I stumbled a little at the sudden jumpscare noise and patted his neck in comfort. 

"You can go back. You'll blow my cover anyways. I can make it back on my own, just go. This is a forest full of obstacles, it'd be a hassle if I were to escape from something with an animal twice my size," I told him quietly as if he could understand me. 

God, I hope I wasn't going delusional.

Wacking the reigns, he got the idea and ran away back to base camp. 

I clicked on my earpiece and called Jack. 

"Yawn.... (Y/n)..?  What's going on..?" he drowsily spoke. I blinked. What time was is anyways? I knew it was night, but it couldn't be that late.

"It's 12:05am..." Jack slurred out, his words mushy and raspy. 

Suddenly, his voice sounded panicked and awake. 

"Wait- shit, why are you calling me at this time? Are you in trouble? Fuck, (Y/n), hold on-"

"No no no, it's okay!" I quickly spoke up, reassuring him. "Listen, Jack, I'm in the woods right now. I'm just calling you if anything happens. I'll instantly call you through the earpiece, even if it's the most little trouble."

I heard him shuffling in his bed uncomfortably. 

"If you're sure. I'll make sure to keep one ear open if you call me again," he finally sighed. I heard him flop back into his bed. 

I smiled. "Thanks a lot Jack. I'll be hanging up no-"



"Why... why out of all people did you call me? There are a lot more capable members, like- like, Fundy or Eret. So why..."

I let out a small sigh, noticed by Jack. 

"I can't really trust anyone right now, ever since the sword was stolen. Not even Eret. But you on the other hand..."

There was a small anticipated silence. 

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 - Sapnap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now