Chapter 42

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Hello again. Don't reread to regain the context. I have some disappointing news at the end and wouldn't want you to waste your time <3


"Wilbur did what now?" Purpled asked, shocked. I nodded, feeling disheartened but no negative emotion displayed on my face. 

I had decided he would be the first person I tell, since I could no longer communicate with my team. I ran my fingers through my hair, huffing out a little breath. 

"I'm kicked out of the nation. No longer a L'Manbergian, nor the ambassador," I said, looking off to the side. "I was ordered to leave by midnight, so thankfully I can still collect Sam's items before I need to go."

"But that's not fair! You've fought so hard for this country, and became friendly with the towns people. And he's kicking you out, just like that?!" Purpled protested. I looked at him solemnly. 

"He's the president. Nothing I can do about it," I smiled a little, ruffling his head. He didn't say anything, his gaze pointed to the ground in sadness. 

"Jeez. You look more upset than me," I attempted a joke. There was no reaction, and my smile dipped a little. "Come on, lighten up a little. It's not like I'll die."

"You won't die, but you'll be lonely. Where will you go? What will you do?" he asked, his voice distressed. He never raised his head, slowly moving towards me. I only stood still, watching him in sorrow. 

Purpled latched onto my clothes, and I could feel him quiver just the smallest amount. 

"..I never even got to take you to the nether..."

I couldn't help myself anymore. I leaned in and hugged him tightly.

"We can make it work out. Trust me. Everything's going to be alright, so just.. don't worry too much for me, okay?" I said. He nodded and we pulled apart. 

"You were annoying sometimes, but... you really made me happy when I was going through a hard time. I'm really, really glad that we met, Purpled."

"I'm glad to have met you too, (Y/n)."

I looked at him, but there was still no smile on his face. 

"Before it's evening, I want to say goodbye to my other friends I've made here. Can you do that with me?" I asked him gently, to which he responded with a nod. 

"Thanks. I want to write a letter to everyone, so I need some messenger birds and a parchment of paper-"

Purpled interrupted me by taking me wrist and guiding me away. I didn't say anything, trusting him. 

He walked me to his UFO base, to my slight surprise. We climbed up and opened the latch, and he went to his desk.

"There. I have paper and a quill so you can write your farewells," he said, showing me with his hand. Then he pointed to a large cage next to his mini fish tank full of messenger doves. I beamed and sat down the chair, writing down the letters of goodbyes.

Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Jack, Niki, Hannah, Puffy, Minx and more...

I wrote each of them patiently and gently, delicately scribbling with the quill. There was a small smile on my face the entire time as I poured my heart and soul into pathetic ink on paper. 

I didn't know when or why, but there had always been an unknown inkling in my heart that I knew something as big as this was going to happen. It felt as though this was an inevitable fate.

I expected Purpled to move away, but instead, he turned on the lamp next to me and patiently watched. It seemed as though he wanted to spend the last few hours of me here next to him. 

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