The plan

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Today, Kyoko and I decided to looking for the tracker. "It's right here...on the sidewalk." Kyoko mumbles. "Maybe he's waiting in the shadows to rob someone." I suggest, although it was more of a joke than a suggestion. "Maybe, let's head over there. Sneak attack style." She grins and walks out.

We get there and he's not there. "What?!" Kyoko looks back onto her tracking device thing and it says he's right here. I walk towards it and picked up a little device that's flashing red. "This it?" I hold it up to the girl. "Shit." she said under her breathe. "He threw it off." I got up and walked over to the girl. "Now what?" A couple seconds later Kyoko's eyes lit up. "Okay, Suichi, you'll go disguised as a member and get information!"

"But we don't know where the base is? How would he notice me?" I ask. "Wait until he strikes again. I'll be chasing him, then you save him." Kyoko explains. "And what if he recognizes me?"

"Double agent. But of course don't tell him anything about us." I nod and we head back to the police station.

"This what the outfit looks like, although it'd be easier for him to give you one so it's less suspicious." Kyoko said. I nod and then an alarm goes off. "THEY'RE IN HERE!!" People in the police station lobby start to panic. We look at the cameras and see it's dice.

"This is your chance, go!" Kyoko pushes me outside into the lobby. Ok Suichi, you can do this. Simple..just go up to them and ask. I walk over to the one with purple hair who's sitting on a table in the middle of the chaos. "E-excuse me.." I ask nervously. Without turning to look at me, he pulls out a pocket knife and before I could move, he had it to my neck.

"What do you want?" He asked. "I-I" I sallowed the spit in my mouth since I was so nervous. "I wanted to j-join you guys.." I say quiet enough so only he could hear. He moved the knife closer to my neck. "No you don't. You want information since you're with the police." He says. "I-I'll tell you about the police force.." He moves the knife away from my neck and pulls out a rope. "Fine." he says tying up my hands. "If you don't meet our expectations, you'll die." My eyes went wide. I can't believe I'm risking my life for this.

"Alright. Let's go, nothing good here." said the leader. "Who's that?" another member asks pointing at me. "A new member apparently. He's a detective so we're questioning him first." Suddenly everything went black.

I woke up, my eyelids heavy and I have a head ache. They knocked me out. "Oh you're awake!" This time the leader wasn't wearing a mask. His eyes were purple, like the files said. He wore a sly smile on his face, staring into my eyes. "Are you gonna keep staring at me, or question me?" I ask trying to be tough. "Mhm!" he said. "Ok, tell me what they're planning."

"Well, Kirigiri put a tracking device on the gun you took from me.." I said. "Oh you mean this one?" He pulls out the gun. "Maybe I'll use it to kill you with." My heart skips a beat at those words. I was terrified and he could tell. He was playing with me. For fuck's sake, he'll kill me anyways! "Why didn't the police attack us when we raided you?" Shit, what do I say!? "Most of them were busy with other crimes." I say firmly, trying to hide my panic. "Or maybe, it's because they've got it under control." He gets in my face and lifts my chin so our eyes meet. "I know you're plotting something and I know it involves you." I wanted to yell and run away, but I couldn't since I was tied to a chair. "I told you, their investigating a serial killer." I try to convince the boy. "Oh? So they couldn't hear people screaming?" God, this guy's insane. "They're investigating outside the station. "THERE HAD TO BE SOME POLICE THERE SO WHY DIDN'T THEY DO ANYTHING!?" He shouts. "Ahem, my bad." he sat back down. I was gone for sure. "I-I don't know! I'm new so they don't tell me everything." That was partially true. "Ugh fine! Next question: What's your name?" He says smiling like the last question didn't just happen. "Uhm Suichi-" I should give a fake last zname just incase. I'll pretend me and Kirigiri are siblings or something. "Suichi Kirigiri.." I respond. The purple haired boy laughed. "I can see through lies, after all I'm a pretty good lair, Saihara." How- could he tell if I was lying about the officers being busy? I mean they were investigating Syo, but they were in the building. He takes out the gun he stole from me.

       "Maybe.." he says. "It's all a rouse." He loaded the gun and pointed it at my head. "W-what are you doing?!" I tried not to yell. This plan was going horrible. He knows I'm lying! "I guess you're not fit for this huh?" He grins and puts his finger on the trigger. "P-please! Don't do t-this!" I yell. But it was too late, he'd already made up his mind. I saw him pull the trigger and the bullet fly out. But the bullet wasn't a gold. It was a reddish, maybe purple figure. When it finally hit my head, it bounced off. "Neehee hee!" He laughed. I looked down at the floor and saw it was a- grape?

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