Plan B

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I hc Neagi as non-binary so I'm using they/them for them. Saying this so I dont confuse anyone!

"Hey, watch it!"

Me and Kokichi were stopped by...Neagi? "I uh, Neagi! I thought you were sick." I frantically say.

"Oh yeah. I got better so I'm alright now." Neagi said. "But uh, what are you doing?" Neagi looks at Kokichi who gives them a nervous smile.

"I uh, I'm taking him to his execution site..." Neagi has a puzzled look on their face. "Isn't cruel execution illegal?" They ask.

"Yeah well so is 'murdering' people.'' Kokichi scoffs. Neagi and I nervously laugh. "Can I tag along?" They ask. "Shit."

"O-ofcourse..!" I stammer out. I could tell Kokichi tensed up a bit. We continued walking down the hallway, past the exit door. I felt the panic rise up inside me. "What do I do now? Neagi is tailing me. I can't just walk out of the building! Fuck."

"Neagi." Another voice says from behind me. My heart drops, my face goes pale. We're done for. It was Kyoko. "Ah, hi Kyoko!" Neagi excitedly says. "I'm just walking with Suichi to take that guy to his 'execution' site(?)" Kyoko looks up, her jaw slightly dropping. I just stood there, my face either pale or red of embarassment.

Kokichi looks at me frantically and tugs at the handcuffs. "That's lovely, Neagi. Please give me a second." She smiles at her lover and walks over to me.

"Suichi, what the hell are you doing?!" She whispers. I try to find the words, I try to speak, but nothing is coming out. "He is freeing me from wrongful inprissonment. You have the papers, you both can comfirm we didn't kill anyone!" Kokichi speaks up for me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about that." Is it possible for your heart to sink any lower? But, I heard a small click. Kokichi's handcuffs were unlocked. "I can help a little. I already got yelled at and was forced to change the files. The one in your hand is the only one left. Although, I'm not sure who will change make it right as the one who's higher up isn't exactly good." All three of us  stared at Kyoko til I spoke up. "Uh, t-thank you Kyoko!"

Me and Kokichi ran off, through the exit door. "What about the others? Are we gonna go back for them?" Kokichi asks me while running. "Yea, don't worry. I just need to come up with a plan." I look at my feet, as I had no clue what to do. Every step, I strayed further from my dream. Oh well, too late now.

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