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I spent so much time looking for this goddamn picture

Anyways, I wanna put a little something something in here if ya know what I mean. How do I start that though. Please leave suggestions on how I can make a plot that makes sense, that'll eventually lead up to 🍋

"It was a grape?" I say looking at the floor. "Mhm, and a lie!" He says. God, he's so annoying. Why can't Kyoko hurry up so I can leave? "Ok one last question! If you don't give the right expectation I will shoot you." he says. "Haha, another grape." I sarcastically say. "No I'm using real bullets, look." I watched him load the gun with bullets. "Alrighty!" God I'm do dead this time. "Are you a good kisser?" He asks. "The fuck?!" slipped out. "I-I mean..I've never really kissed anyone-" I saw his grip on the gun tighten. "Y-Yes! I am!"

"Yeah I figured." He untied the ropes and handed me the gun. "Do any shit with that and I kill you myself." He walked out of the room. Wow, he could've been nicer- well maybe not if he thinks I'll shoot him. I look in the corner of the room to see a note with clothes under it.

Hey Saihara! If you're getting this, you passed. Mainly because you're not dead. Anyways, this is your uniform. Put it on, hopefully it fits.

-Ouma, you call me Kokichi though

Alright, let's try this thing on. Hm it fits. It was a white uniform with colorful buttons, and a checker bandanna. It had a clown mask but it had cat ears on it? I cracked open the door and saw the purple hair boy with other people in the same uniform.

"U-uhm O-oum- I mean uh Kokichi!" I said peeking through the crack in the door. "Ughhh, What? I'm not gonna help you put your pants on!" He said with out turning to the door. "N-No! I have clothes on!" I say embarrassed. "Then what? You can come out ya know!" He was scrolling on a phone. No one else was wearing the clown masks so I stepped out and walked to wear he was sitting. "Oh hey it fits. What'd you want?" He asks. "Y-yeah..why does mine have uhm, cat ears.." I ask. "Because cats are cute." He smiles and giggles a bit. Huh- oh. My face goes a little red. "Awww, where did all that confidence go? Now your just a flustered- uh," He paused and thought for a moment. "A girl- in romance animes- I guess." I laughed. "Look who's flustered now!" Even though he's not flustered just confused on words.

"Can I call you shumai?" He asks out of the silence. "I-Isn't that a food?" I get what he's playing at and my cheeks go red. "Yup! And it's a yummy food." He smirks and darts his eyes toward me. I nervously laugh. "Why are you being so like- nice to me?" I ask. "I mean I just joined sides after being on the other."

"Because." Kokichi says. "I think it's worth trusting you." I heard one of the others scream simp and Kokichi just shot her a glare and she shut up. Scary. "I'm bored, wanna go mug an old lady?" Kokichi stood up and said. "W-wait. An old lady? That's not too fair.." I say. "The worlds unfair, now stop being a softie and except old people hate gays and new things." Kokichi says. "If you don't wanna come you don't haft to." he said. "I'm not gonna mug an elderly!" I cross my arms. "We won't." he sighs. "Just-walk around?" He puts out his hand for me get up. I take the offer and nod.

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