double agent

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We started to walk back, speed walking past the police station. Suichi's cheeks were a bright red, it face redder when we pulled away. "Why did you kiss me.." Suichi asks. Because he's cute, but he doesn't need to know that. "I told you, I wanted to taste your ice-" He cut me off. "No, besides that." Well I should probably tell him.

"Well you're hot." His face turned the same red as before. "Wh-wha?"

"Like in weather terms." I shrug although he probably wouldn't believe that. "It's 60° right now. I'd be cold why?" And he didn't. "Jeesus fine!" I stop outside our base. "Not that type of hot." I walk into the building. As soon as I walk in one of my members pull me in.

"Why do you trust him so easily!?" Miyabi whisper-yells. I shrug. "He came from the police force, what if he just put up cameras!?" Yamane panics. "Yeah he didn't." I say. "I'm hanging out with him so he doesn't have the opportunity to do that. I'd see it right away." Everyone nodded and went "Oooh." This wasn't true, I just wanted respect from my friends. turn around to get Suichi inside, but he wasn't there. He was behind me..

"I'm only hanging out with him so he doesn't have the opportunity to do that. I'd see it right away." That's why? What he kissed me so I didn't put some sort of camera!? I mean fair assumption, but come on! I felt tears come to eyes. Why am I crying!? Why should I care!? He turned around and his eyes went wide. "I'm sorry I can't be trusted.." I say looking at the floor, trying to hold back my tears.
What I said was partially true, probably same with Kokichi. I was upset sure, not sure why. Not like I wanted to be friends with this idiot!

One time Kirigiri told me to just listen to my heart. Kind of sappy and overused, but it could be true I guess. No way Kirigiri would aprove of this! I sat there, ignoring Kokichi apoligizing, but not that meaningful since he wants to look tough. Yeah my heart said "yeah you don't hate the moron. In fact he's fun to hang around!" but my brain was telling me. "You dumbass, you're supposed to be a spy! Not be best friends with the enemy!" It was like in cartoons when theres a devil and a angel by your side, telling you what to do.

Should I stick to the plan and only have friends from work, or loose my job, but be friend's with a purple haired nitwit? "SUICHI!!" Kokichi snaps me out of my thoughts. "I said I was sorry so stop crying like a baby!" I put my hand on my face and realise I'm still crying and wipe my tears. "R-right, I'm sorry.." Everyone sepperates and does their own thing. I don't want to be that one friend at a party, who knows no one but the host. haha I do that. I go into a corner and just scroll through my phone and notice, something odd.

Dice has a facebook page? Since when, and haven't the police done something about this. I scrolled through the page and noticed 3rd person veiws of crimes and a picture of people in masks taking a picture, in what looks like a basement? Probably a copycat, just to be sure, I stood up and walked over to Kokichi.

"Uh Kokichi.." I spuat down next to him on the floor. "I found this.." I showed him my phone and he burst into laughter. "You really think it's a big deal?" he calms himslef down. "We get fakes all the time, they're annoying though." Kokichi says. "God I wish we could kill them!" one of the members say. "Taking our glory!" Maybe this is my chance to proove myself worthy! "I could track them if you'd want.." I say quietly. "REALLY!" she says. " might be a little harder since I don't have the correct police equipment..but I could try."

"Stop stop stop.." Kokichi stands up, and smiles. He bends down putting his face in mine and says, "Since you're willing to do that, could you do us a favor~?" He grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Right now, are you all buddy-buddy with the police department?" I nod. "GREAT! Hopefully it's just cause they don't know, or you've been captured.." he mutters. "BUT, head over there every single time we rob a place and just get nformation." That's- actually smart.

"Everytime you head over, you agree to give them information about us just lie!" That might be hard considering Kirigiri can see through a lie. "And say 'I'm supposed to be gaurding the base, but I'm helping you instead!'" Kokichi made air quotes. So I haft to be a double agent...DIDN'T PEOPLE IN WARS DIE FOR THAT?! No, no, it was during a war a long time ago, not now. "Soo a spy?" Kokichi excitidly nods.

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