Plan in Action

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Omg Jasper actually finishes a story 😱?!

I woke up at my usual time. I got dressed and ate breakfast. Suspense and anxiety built up inside me the whole time. "Today's the day." I sigh. "The day the boy I love the most dies."

I look at myself in the mirror. I put on my new badge, a reward for solving a case. "I'm going to put a stop to this. For Dice, for the city, and for Kokichi." I smile.

I head out the door and walk towards the police station. I stop at a t.v store window, the news playing.

"Today's weather is sunny with clouds. Top news story is Dice! Don't be sure to miss the reports and detail at the police station. We will be covering the story. So far we know they are serial killers and they're being executed today at 3:00pm!"

I stare blankly at the t.v till I hear a loud noise from behind me. "Suichi?!" Someone called me. I turned around to see one of my friends from school, Keade. "Oh, hey there Keade."

"It's been so long! How are things?" She smiles. She looks at the t.v playing from behind me. "Well, things seem good apparently."

"Sort of. Sure, I solved a murder case, but things are still a little hard." Keade nods and gives me a reassuring smile. "I know, things are hard sometimes. Don't worry."

I look at my wrist watch and see it's 1:30! "Oh, shoot! I uh- I got to go Keade. I'm going to be late, Keep in touch, 'kay!" I run off to the police station.

Once I get there, I greet Kyoko and the chief, as usual. "I'm gonna go say goodbye, one last time." I say. "No you're not." The chief says sternly.

"You're already too attached." I sigh. Should I really give up? I mean I didn't have a back up. I walk behind my new desk and sit down. A small room with a file cabinet, a desk and a stand that reads, "Suichi S" on it. I look in the file cabinets. There was already some papers.

"Hey Kyoko! Are these yours?" I ask her, holding the paper in the air. "Oh. I figured I'd give you a copy of the dice case." So this is the whole case. Solid evidence!

The files read, "The dice group is a group of criminals who rob and steal. The leader is Kokichi Ouma, Former Ultimate Supreme Leader. There have been no casualties within his crimes."

No casualties! I notice a small door in the back of my office. It leads to the break room, which leads to the cells! I take the papers in hand, and my key in the other and walk through both doors. I walked the same path and looked for Kokichi, but he was no where to be found. "Crap! I got distracted with Keade and I'm too late.

Suddenly, a plastic spoon gets thrown at me. I turn around and see another dice member! "Ah! Uh.. I'm sorry. About everything." I say.

"Don't bring it up. Just prove we don't need a whole ass death penalty and you're off the hook. And if you're looking for Kokichi, he went that way." He pointed left.

"Thank you!" I say quickly, then sprint off the hall way. I start to slow down until I come across a door. I hear yelling and banging and just chaos. I looked through the small window and saw the chief of police arguing with, Kokichi?!

"You know what?! I will kill you myself!" He pulled out his gun and put it right against him Kokichi's forehead. I, impulsively, opened the door and grabbed the gun. "Ah, hello Suichi. What do you want?" The chief asks. "I was just exploring a bit when I heard yelling. And then I saw you put a gun up to his head. I mean, at least let him live a little longer."

"Why in the world would I do that. He's a menace. Like I said, killed hundreds." The chief said. I clenched my fists. How could he be so arrogant! "Actually I have the report right here. And this is the one Kyoko wrote up, meaning it was straight from me. You know, the one who had a front row seat to all this."

The chief was furious! "I- uh those aren't.." he stuttered on his words. Me and Kokichi giggled. "I'm gonna go have a word with that woman." He stormed off, leaving me and Kokichi in a room by ourselves.

I sighed and turned to Kokichi. He immediately latched onto my waist. "Why'd you do that?" He asked, my body muffling his voice.

"I had to. I wanted to pursue my dreams. I'm sorry I betrayed you, but I'm going to make it right." I lift his chin and place a soft and quick kiss on his lips. Kokichi blushed a bit and smiled. "How so?"

I let go of the small boy and opened the door. I gestured for him to follow. We quickly moved around. And when I walked past a police guard, I just showed them my badge. "Getting him ready for the execution, Saihara?" The policeman asks. I nod, and aggressively tug at Kokichi to follow. Just to make it look realistic.

We finally see the exit and Kokichi sprints towards it, making me sprint after him. But someone rounds the corner first.

"Ah! Hey, watch out!"

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