Chapter 1 - Where am I?

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Thomas's Pov

I woke up gasping for breaths in this cage like box. I looked around and started to panic where am I? What's going on? It's so dark in here. The box was moving up and it was getting faster. I looked beneath me to see how high I was and I started to panic. Where am I? I heard a noise come from the covered box in front of me and I slowly went towards it and lifted up the cover to see a hog and the noise sounded hellish and I jumped back afraid.

"Help" I shouted banging on the cage above

"Help" I shouted again

"Help me" I shouted again

The cage went faster and I fell to the floor coughing and wheezing. The lights were becoming red and then green, the cage slowed down and stopped. Then the lights became dark and my breathing increased and I was breathing heavily. I heard footsteps from above and voices someone's out there. Then I saw these two doors open above and I saw the sun peering in. I hid my eyes and used my hand to cover my eyes from the bright ball of fire. I was squinting but I was adjusting to the light now. I saw boys and people all stood around the cage looking down at me.

They were all laughing at me. Then they opened the cage top lid doors.

"Go get him" One of the boys said

This rugged boy with shaven looking hair jumped down and looked at me.

"Day one Greenie" He said

Some of the boys laughed again. He grabbed me and pulled me up onto the grass. Where am I? All the boys started talking and it all overlapped.

"I wonder who he is" A boy said

"Another boy surprise" A boy said

"I could use some help in the kitchen" Another male said

I looked at them all and quickly got up and pushed my way through. I started running, I don't know where I was going but away I was. I started running and running.

"Wooh we got a runner" One of the boys shouted

I kept running and then I tripped on my legs and fell and I could hear them all cheering and laughing at me. I ignored them and looked at all my surroundings. I saw the baby blue clear sky and then green trees that arched over like arms everywhere. I saw them for miles and a big never ending forest. I also saw big, grey cement walls that stood tall like soldiers surrounding us the whole outside area except for the forest. For miles were colors of green and grey. Where am I? How did I get here? What's going on?

Before I knew it, I was being dragged into this bottomless pit like cell. I looked around and saw grey covered stone arranged and bamboo sticks to lock me in on the top and around the top. I crawled to the top and looked out the bamboo door. I saw the big looming wall again, trees, grass, goats, some people and that's it. As I was looking round this dark skinned male suddenly appeared in front of me and I jumped back harshly afraid and scared. I was scared because he just appeared out of no where but he seems really friendly.

"Hey" He said crouching in front of me so I could see his face.

"Hey there green bean" He said and slightly smiled at me.

"You're not going to run again okay?" He said

He didn't wait for a response as he got up from crouching and opened the door and crouched once again holding onto the top.

"My name is Alby" He said smiling again then it disappeared

"Now can you tell me anything about yourself? Who you are? Where you came from? Anything about yourself?" He said

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