Chapter 15 - Home from home

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Thomas's dream

There was loads of people and there were all wearing masks and my mum was carrying me. I held onto her tightly and didn't let go. She was pushing through people and the got to the end. She put her arms around me and set me on the ground and looked at me.

"Remember I love you" My mum said 

"I love you" She said

A man grabbed me and I cried for my mum.

"Mum" I cried 

"Mum" I cried

Then I remember being sat on the train. I watched as the lights passed us by and how the train moved fast. I saw other children on the train and we were all sat quietly. I looked at the man with the gun and he just stared ta me. Then I saw Ava in front of me. The same woman with white hair but it was down.

"Thomas It's okay" She said

I wake up in the box and I am going up again into the maze.

"No, no, no" I shouted banging on the box.

"Thomas" I heard someone shouting my name

"Thomas" I heard it again

Then I woke up.

Dream over

Thomas's pov

"Thomas we got to go. We go to go" Minho said waking me 

I sat up and realized it was now night time and we were still in the helicopter. I jumped out and started running with the others. Then I realized I forgot what Chuck gave me and ran back for it. I grabbed it and one of the men grabbed me.

"What are you doing? We don't have time" He said and pulled and pushed me to run

"Run" A man said

"Let's go" They said

"Move it" they said

I heard groaning and screeching and saw these things running after us and the men started shooting them and when we started running into the building. I looked and saw lights everywhere and big high buildings. They finally pushed me into the building and the door locked and I saw it lock. I saw Alex and she was safe sleeping in Minho's arms. We were all safe and sound locked in the building. But we looked around we saw people in suits running around with guns. We also saw trucks and vehicles and cargo boxes and all sorts of stuff.

"What is this place?" I said to myself.

We were taken into a room and they pushed us all in here and locked us in here. We saw food on the table. Minho woke up Alex and told her what happened while she was sleeping. Everyone started tucking in and eating. Alex didn't want to eat anything.

"Alex you need to eat baby" He said

"For me" He said and pouted making her giggle

She smiled slightly and nodded. She only ate a little bit and wouldn't eat anymore. But we were happy that she ate something at least. We sat down on the floor after we ate.

"Where are we?" Teresa said

"I have no clue" Frypan said

"There's so many people" Charlie said

"They gave us food" Winston said

"They also gave us shelter" Newt said

"They gave us something to drink and got us out the maze" Billy said

"We are finally out" Teresa said

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling" I said

"Like what?" Alex said

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