Chapter 14 - Escape the maze

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Thomas's pov

We all ran through the maze and Alex keeping a steady pace with Newt and Minho.

"Come on everyone" I said running

We were almost there.

"Almost there" I said as we passed the sections.

We finally got there where we needed to be and I stopped behind a wall and I looked and saw a griever and I quickly faced the wall again.

"Is it a griever?" Chuck said

"Yeah" I said and nodded.

"Shit" Chuck said

"You take this Chuck, stay behind us" Minho said and passed him the key we found.

"Its okay, just stick with me" Teresa said doing up her hair

"Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open. Right we stick close, we stay together. We get through this. We get out now. Or we die trying. Ready?" I said banging my spear on the ground

"Yeah" I heard amongst the gladers

Everyone got their weapons ready.

"Let's go" I shouted

We all ran and shouted towards it and it ran towards us and it started attacking and we use our spears and weapons to attack it and push it over the edge. We were almost successful before it got back up. Teresa tried hitting it and hit the key and it landed far from us.

"The key" Chuck shouted

"Thomas" Teresa shouted

Chuck grabbed the key and Teresa pulled him up. Everyone else and I kept pushing the griever down and managed to push it down and it fell screeching like something from hell. Chuck and Teresa ran towards us and more grievers came up. I checked on Alex and she was fine helping Chuck and Teresa and also running. They opened the door and ran towards it. Everyone else kept pushing the grievers and pushing and attacking them. Another glader pushed it ad it grabbed his stick and chucked him over the edge.

"Thomas there's a code. Eight numbers" Teresa shouted

"Eight sections of the maze" I said to myself.

"Minho what's the sequence?" I said

"What?" Minho said as we were still fighting the grievers

"The sections of the maze, what's the sequence?" I said

"Seven, one, five, two" He started

A griever jumped down and landed on him.

"Minho" Alex and Chuck shouted

Minho was fighting it off and Jeff went and attacked it and Minho came free. Jeff was still fighting it off. Jeff got taken by the grievers.

"Jeff" Winston shouted but was held back

"Six, four, eight, three" Minho shouted

The door said complete.

"Keep holding" I said

The walls were quickly shutting squashing or trapping all the grievers. There was one last one and it ran towards us and then I threw my spear at it and it fell back screaming and then the door squashed it and squashed it guts everywhere. The these doors closed and we were engulfed in darkness. Then a few minutes later, a door opened and we all looked at each other and were breathing heavily. We all walked out and it seemed as if we were all in a dark lit tunnel. Then suddenly lights turned on and lit the whole tunnel up. Everybody looked at me.

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