Chapter 31 - Hello boys

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Gally's pov

I finally got the serum out and I placed them in a bag a black cotton one. Then I heard the alarm go off. I shut the vault door.

"Okay we need to get out of here now. Stick to me. Stay close together" I said and grabbed the gun and walked over to in front of the children.

I walked to a brown haired boy with olive skin and gave him the bag with the serums in.

"You guard this with your life, understand?" I said

He nodded. I backed away and walked to the main entrance. Aris was beside me his gun ready.

"Alright follow me" I said and got my gun ready

Thomas's pov

Newt and I walked down the corridors and saw labs and people. The doctors were looking at us as the alarms went off.

Gally's pov

I walked them out to the garage. I had them running to the spot where we would meet Brenda.

"Stay low, stay low, go, go, go" I said as I watched them crouch and run

I pulled out the walkie talky.

"Brenda where are you we're here" I said

We ran round the corer and I saw a bus pull up and looked to see her and smiled in relief. I looked to make sure it was her and it was.

"Come on lets go" She said

"Lets go, quickly, quickly" I said loading them up on there

"Front and back, front and back lets go" I said

"Where's Thomas?" Brenda said

Oh shit where is he?

"I was hoping he was here with you" I said

She started running down.

"Wait, wait stay here with the kids" I said

"Wait her, I'll find him" I said

"Wait here just wait for us okay" I said running off pulling my mask down. Aris followed besides me.

"We're not going anywhere" I heard her say

Thomas's pov

Newt and I were currently hiding and watched as all the guards rushed by. We could still see the orange alarms going off and shouting. We could hear the guards shouting an looking for us.

Brenda's pov

I was waiting on the bus with the other kids for Thomas and the others. Then I heard a car screech past.

"Get down, get down" I said to all of them.

Everyone got down and hid. I heard the car stop and I knew they were coming to search the bus. Fuck. I saw them rush out of the car.

"Move, move, move" I heard one of the guards say

"Stay quiet" I said

I saw one of the guards stop and walk over here slowly. Shit. What do I do? Then I saw more guards coming this way.

"Sorry Thomas" I said

I turned the lights on and sat up. They saw me.

"Someone's got the bus" A guard said

"Hold on" I shouted

I started driving and hit some guards. STRIKE!!!

Anyway I drove full speed out of the building and crashed through the barrier. I drove into the city. Other guards started getting in their cars and following after me

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