Chapter 37 - Signal

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Alexandra's pov

Tyler and I have become close ever since we met. He has become one of my best friends here. We always sit next to each other when we are eating. He shown me around this place. He told me how everything works here and has been nice to me ever since we met. I still think he's weird though. I told him and he nudged me carefully and jokingly. I just smiled.

Uncle Ben was sat next to Cassidy around the table next to the table and so were Tyler and I. Aunt Cassidy.

"Alright I am going to have a go. But don't get your hopes up to soon" Aunt Cassidy said and smiled

I nodded. Tyler squeezed my hand and I squeezed his back smiling. Aunt Cassy started fiddling with the walkie talkie over the radio. At first it was just static and nothing came through.

"Hello anybody there" She said

She found my old one that I had on me from the city mission with my mates and asked if she could borrow it and I gave it to her.

"Hello can anyone hear me?" She said

"My name is Cassie Lewis" She said

"Hello" She said

"I am looking for a Vince or Jorge. Is anybody there?" She said

She waited for a response every couple of seconds but nothing happened. It was still static, I sighed but I didn't expect a response straight away. I'll find them. We'll find them, I know we will. It was getting darker and later into the night.

We were still sat in here after four hours with breaks in between. 

"Come on anybody?" I said

"Aunt Cassy, its okay we can try again tomorrow" I said

"Are you sure?" Aunt Cassy said

"I am more then sure. I know we will find them. I know we will. They are out there somewhere and I'll be with them soon. I know I will be. Come on let's go to bed" I said and smiled

"I am sorry" Aunty Cassy said

"Aunty its really ok, we will find them soon" I said

Tyler stood up and I stood up after him. Ben, Tyler, Aunty Cassy and I walked out the room and went to our hammocks. Uncle Ben had a hammock made for me today but one that would assure that I wouldn't fall off considering I am pregnant.

"Goodnight uncle Ben and goodnight aunty Cassy" I said

"Goodnight Alex sleep well" They said

I kissed both their cheeks and hugged them, Tyler's hammock moved closer to mine. So he now slept next to me. 

"Night Tyler" I said

"Night Alex" He said and smiled and kissed my forehead and slept next to me in his hammock.

We fell asleep in the hammocks. I lay my hand on my stomach feeling the twins kick I sighed happily and leaved my hand there falling asleep peacefully falling asleep dreaming of my mates.


"Daddy help me, mummy help me" My little boy cried running up to my mates and I.

"What's wrong baby?" I said

"What's wrong?" Newt said

"It's sissy, she's stuck in a tree and is crying" He said

"We're coming" Minho said

"Let's go" Aris said

We ran over to the tree and saw our little girl stuck in a tree.

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