Chapter 39 - Clothes & Equipment

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Alexandra's pov

"Let's go" I said

Uncle Ben, Tyler, Aunt Cassy and I walked out the room and down the stairs where there were loads of shops. The lights were still working down here.

"The lights still work?" I said

"Yep we check the electricity every few days" She said

I smiled and nodded.

There were halls of shops everywhere. 

"We need to get you other clothes to take back as well" She said sweetly

"Thank you all of you for doing this for me" I said

"You are family Alex, stop thanking us" Uncle Ben said and hugged me

I nodded. We walked into the lit up shop and I saw baby stuff everywhere.

"Good thing is you don't have to pay, we can just take what we want" She said

Aunt Cassy and I smiled at each other.

"Boys you can pick out clothes for her son my nephew and Alex and I will pick out clothes for her daughter my niece." Cassy said and smiled

The boys smiled and nodded.

"Right we will probably need bottles, a changing matt, wipes and diapers for all sizes as my niece and nephew will be growing all the time. We need eight undershirts and onesies, 8 one-piece stretchy sleepers, eight pairs of trousers, three newborn hats, eight pairs of socks or booties, to wear with nightgowns and outfits, six cardigans and six jackets, four pairs of scratch mittens, to keep baby from scratching their faces better be safe then sorry. We need four snowsuits and eight dressing up outfits, four large blankets and eight receiving blankets, two plastic infant tubs as you don't want to wash them in sea water as you are living on an island, twelve washcloths, not used on baby's bottom, baby soap or cleanser, baby soft-bristled hair brush, four soft-hooded towels. 

Ben will help make a crib for the baby when we arrive so we need to also get a crib mattress, three waterproof mattress cover, four fitted crib sheets, four light blankets that fit in the crib and a sleep sack. We will also get nail clippers and scissors, a bulb syringe for suctioning mucous, a baby thermometer, an eye dropper or medicine spoon, medication in case of fever and a baby monitor. We need to get a rocking chair for the baby and another one for my nephew, sling or baby carrier. Lastly we need fifteen dummies in case because you may lose them and finally rattles and other baby toys" Aunt Cassy said

"Wow that's a lot of stuff" I said

"Believe me when having a baby, that's bare minimum" She said

"Oh Ben will also build a playpen for them to play in and another one in case" Aunt Cassy said

"Boys did you hear all of that? Did you hear everything we need?" She said

"Yep we have most of it already" Tyler said

"Damn we have not even started." I said

"Let's go" She said

"I want to make sure you are prepared. You won't be coming here for a while because you will be spending time with your babies and your mates and friends and if you run out I can bring them over but it will be a while so it is better to be prepared" She said smiling

We grabbed a massive trolley and started loading everything in. First all the outfits and needed stuff then the mats and everything. We grabbed a big big carrier bag and started loading everything in there. We had to use three of them. We walked over to Ben and Tyler and they were doing really good.

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