Chapter 8 - Trouble

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Gally's pov

I saw Alex collapse and I rushed in and grabbed her and pulled her out. So she didn't get stuck in the maze alone. I pulled her into my arms and rocked her back and forth. I turned so no one could see and lifted up her shirt for a griever sting but I saw her wound.

"She hasn't been stung by a griever" I said

"Clint, Jeff I need you take Alby and Alex and help them please" I said

"Of course" Jeff said

"Right away" Clint said

Other Gladers helped take them there and I with the rest of the boys. I wanted to go see my mate Alex, so did Frypan, Newt, Minho and Thomas but we need to let Clint and Jeff look after the first and sort them out. 

"You saw a griever?" Chuck said

"Yes Alex and I saw one" Thomas said

"They didn't just see it, they killed it" Minho said

Everyone looked shocked. I was mad not at Alex well a little for running away, almost losing her and her decisions but also that they killed a griever. Who knows what this could mean now? For fuck sake. I don't blame our little Alex though only Thomas.

We all looked at him shocked. I called a gathering and we all met up and everyone was in here but Alby and Alex.

"Things are changing" I said and crossed my arms looking around the room

"There's no denying that" I said

"First Ben gets stung in broad daylight and then Alby. Now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here." I said 

"Yeah but he saved Alby's life" Frypan said

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Did he?" I said unamused

"For three years we have co-existed with these things, and now you've killed one of them" I said pointing at Thomas

"Who knows what that could mean for us?" I said 

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt said

"He has to be punished" I said

"Woah woah" A glader said

Voices began overlapping and clamoring each other.

Then the door burst open and in walked my mate Alex.

"Alex baby you are supposed to be on bed rest" I said

"I am fine" Alex said and walked over and sat with Thomas.

He snuggled into her and pulled her on his lap. She ran his fingers through his hair. Minho, Frypan and Newt and I went over there and kissed her forehead and then hugged her tightly and then returned back to our original spaces. We were still going to have serious words and a talk with her, but later when we're alone and not in front of everyone here.

"You have a sprained ankle, a wound on your chest and you fainted go rest Babygirl" I said

"No I heard what you said to Thomas. If you punish him, you punish me. You will do no such thing as lay a hand on him or throw him in the pit any of you or I will deal with you myself. Whatever you do to him, you do to me because him and I are in this together. We both broke the rules so you either punish us both or not at all" She said and held his hand and squeezed it reassuringly

He whispered something in ear and she whispered some back and they smiled at each other.

"Don't be ridiculous" I said

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