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"Ahh I forgot to give you this," he says and hands you a paper. You crease your brows together and take the paper. Unfolding the small sheet you read the things written.

"I..." he cuts you off.

'Cut my talk again and be ready to get a kick from me,' you glare at him.

"First. You'll never step inside my room and invade my privacy," he announces with his hands crossed over his chest, chin held up. He stands there like a king ordering his attendants but only if he knew you weren't the one to listen to him.

"Second..." You cut him this time.

"I am not even interested in your things or you," you pass him a bitter smile as his egoistic expressions change into shocked ones. He didn't expect this. He gulps while you read onto the next point.

"Second, I'll never ask you about your company's matter... like I am interested? I will talk to your dad rather than you..." you nod with a smirk plastered on your face as he sighs being annoyed by your actions.

'You are really something,' he thinks with annoyance and soft eyes, trying to understand you.

"Third... I'll never cook for you or ask you to. I'm not your maid so for sure I'll never do that," you answer while he stands there listening to you. His plan was backfiring him. He thought you'll be sweet and obey his rules nicely but here you are acting as he deserves.

"Fourth, I'll never attend business parties with you. Okay!! Everything is accepted. Now, you need to follow my rules too..." you crumble the paper.

"Go on!!" He says, unbothered not knowing how your rules will trouble him.

"First, I won't be cleaning this house alone. The duties will be shared by alternate days," Now it is your time to cross arms. He scoffs and nods, accepting the rule.

"Second, you won't come near my dad. You are an insensitive man and I can't take any words against my dad..." you hiss and he nods. He really felt hurt by your harsh words but you were only trying to protect your dad. Both of you were on the same page.

"Third and last... Your lover will not come to this house. Better use your office for your make-out and other things," you look straight in his eyes while speaking, he looks away and nods. She wasn't his gf, he didn't want to explain to you, you won't trust him.

"I'm sleepy," he mutters and leaves. Your eyes brim with fresh water, you don't know why but you felt bad for acting so tough on him.

Turning the lights off, you made your way to your bedroom. As you were tired from the whole day, you dozed off real quick.

Few weeks passed by and you both were living like two strangers put together in one house. Neither of you talked or asked anything. You both cooked for yourselves, divided duties according to rules. You were busy in your office and with dad, his condition was improving but you know this won't last. You were preparing yourself but always failing.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was focusing on his company now. As his dad promised, he will be the new CEO of the company. Mr Jeon was preparing everything to give his company soon in his son's hands.. The relationship between Eunji and Jungkook was based on lust from the start and now he was trying to cut those ties. No matter how much Jungkook tried, forgetting his first love was too difficult but after marriage he really wanted to maintain his sanity, he can't cheat on his wife even if the relationship between you two was based on papers.

It was one of the days of the week when you returned from work and plopped on the couch. Jungkook wasn't in sight hence you assumed he is in his office or f*cking Eunji. You weren't even complaining because you both know this marriage will never work. It was a tiring day for you and you wished to sleep. You drag your feet upstairs and take a hot water bath somehow before sleeping.

Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}Where stories live. Discover now