💙Chapter 14💙

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A close friend can become a close enemy.
~African proverb

I do not know why, but the only thing I could think about was getting revenge on Tristan and Pearl; mostly on Pearl because Tristan did nothing wrong to me but hurt my feelings.

The fact that the kind stranger offered to help me, made me very confident that this whole revenge thing could totally work out.

The whole time I was in between classes, I couldn't stop thinking about who the mystery nerd is. That guy or girl really seemed to be interested in me because they seemed to be really updated with what is going on in my life.

I couldn't wait for classes to be over and so I waited for the angel to sing her song. Once the siren rang, I immediately walked out of the class in readiness for math club. Whoever it was that sent me that note left me in so much curiosity that all I could think about was knowing who was willing to help me and how they intend to do so.

I hurriedly walked in the hallways really excited for math club. The minute I entered the classroom, all the nerds gawked at me like they had seen an imposter. Others were busy on their calculators but when they saw me, all their attention was on me.

"Hi, my name is Luna." I said sheepishly. I felt the need to introduce myself because everyone seemed to be focused on me than on finding X.

"We already know your name!" Yelled a chubby nerd seated at the back of the classroom. We?

I arched my brow and scrunched up my face. They all knew my name but how exactly did they know my name?

"Mister Jackson talks about you a lot. He said you would totally outsmart us all if you participated in one of the quizzes ." The chubby nerd said when he noticed I didn't reply.

Mr. Jackson always loved me from the first day I attended school. I don't know what exactly I did to make him have so much confidence in me. Okay,  I do know. I kind of participated in all his lessons and whenever he would ask someone to solve a question, I would always volunteer.

Never did I expect him to have so much confidence in me for doing that. All the nerds seemed like they would be way smarter than me and now Mr. Jackson really raised the bar high for me.

"Today we are having a maths quiz, so you need to prove Mr. Jackson right." The chubby nerd replied to my silence. He seemed really talkative, but it looked like he was speaking for everyone because all the nerds nodded in agreement with his statement.

I just wanted to know who the mystery nerd was that promised to help me; not compete with a bunch of nerds that studied for this quiz. Which reminds me, I did not study for this, because I never expected a quiz today.

"You guys are obviously way smarter than I am," I said trying to defend myself. There was no need to compete over who was the smartest especially with someone as dumb as me.

"No need for humility young miss. Take a seat and let us commence the quiz." Mr. Jackson said. I never noticed him enter the room and now all of the sudden, I started to feel anxious about it.

I looked around the classroom for somewhere I could seat. My eyes immediately caught sight of Xavier seated at the back of the class. He had his hand high up, indicating to me that I could sit next to him.

I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Hey." I whispered to him. I never really expected Xavier to be in the maths club. I knew he was a nerd but sometimes his looks made me forget he is one. No offense to the other nerds though.

"Hi. Welcome to math club." He muttered, with a serene smile spread over his face.

"Thanks." I replied then focused my attention on Mr. Jackson. If I was going to prove myself worthy of being in this club, I needed to do my best during this quiz even though I did not study.

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