💙Chapter 25💙

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If you damage the character of another, you damage your own.
~African proverb.

The sound of the siren sounded like music to my ears after listening to Mr.Bota yap about radioactivity.

I am not fond of physics so I was hoping that the lesson would end. Good thing it was my last class of the day.

"Make sure to study radioactivity, we will be having a quiz tomorrow." Mr. Bota said ending the lesson.

I let out a large sigh of annoyance and so did everyone else. He just had to make things more boring for us.

I packed my book into my bag and placed my hands into the straps in readiness to see Xavier.

We had agreed to be meeting each other at the football pitch after classes. I liked that idea because I would be spending more time with him.

Even though we agreed to be seeing each other, I was still wondering what to call him.

He still did not ask me to be his real girlfriend and I could not help but wonder if he ever would.

I walked to the football pitch thinking about whether I should bring that subject up.

The moment I arrived, I was startled to see someone.

"Hey, Luna. I thought I might find you here so I decided to come over here to say hi." Tristan said causing me to raise a brow.

We had not spoken ever since he told me he did not like me back and I did not have a good feeling about his presence.

"Why did you come here?" I asked. The fact that Xavier did not show up earlier than I did; made me feel uncomfortable talking to him. What was I going to explain to Xavier if he found me talking to Tristan?

"I wanted to apologize to you for everything I have put you through." He said sheepishly. I wondered why it took him so long to apologize and why he had to apologize in the first place when he did nothing wrong.

"You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong." I still felt suspicious about his sudden apology as it seemed like there was more to it.

"I did, I lied to you." Lied about what?

I stared at him with a scrunched-up face." What did you lie about?"

"I told you I have no feelings for you but that was completely false. I like you, Luna."

My eyes widened. I never expected him to say that. I stayed silent without saying anything, I was trying to process everything.

"When you started hanging out with Xavier, that was only when I got aware of my feelings for you." He continued.

I was still shocked about everything and I wondered why Xavier still did not show up yet. Maybe he forgot about our agreement.

"Tristan---" I said but he immediately interrupted me.

"I know what you want to say, that you are with Xavier now and my feelings don't matter but think about it, Luna, there is no way you can lose your feelings for me so quickly." He said drawing close to me.

I did develop those feelings very quickly and I am sure it would be easy for me to lose them fast." But I like Xavier now."

He stared at me." Are you sure about that or maybe you need some confirmation?"

I wondered what he meant by that statement but then I watched him as he kept drawing closer to me.

I didn't know what to do because I knew that he wanted to kiss me and a part of me wanted to kiss him too.

His lips immediately met mine and I found myself kissing him back. I wanted to see if I was really over him.

As I kissed him, the kiss felt so dead, and then I knew that I had completely gotten over him.

"Luna!" I heard a voice I am very familiar with, which made me stop kissing him.

Xavier stood a distance from us with a somber expression. Oh no, what did I just do?

My heart began to beat faster and my breath quickened." I can explain!"

I felt so guilty for my actions and I hated the fact that he caught me in the act. I may have said that I would explain but I had nothing to explain to him that would make him understand my actions.

"So y...you were just u...using me the whole time?" He said with his voice cracking.

"No, I wasn't, let me explain," I said trying to look for an excuse but I had none. It may have appeared that I was using Xavier but I genuinely liked Xavier and I did not know how to tell him at that time.

" I knew it." He muttered, after noticing my silence and hastily walked away.

I watched him walk away wondering whether I should follow him and tell him that I liked him and not Tristan.

"I am sorry." Tristan suddenly mumbled and I glared at him with my eyes wide enough to show all the white part.

"This is exactly what you wanted; to separate us, now how does that make you feel. Does that make you feel like a champion?" I hollered at him. It was all my fault that I kissed him back, I should not have but this would not have happened if Tristan did not kiss me in the first place.

"I did not mean for this to happen. I am sorry." What sickened me more about his words was how genuine he sounded.

There was no way he had no intentions of separating us. Then why did he come to me in the first place and tell me about his feelings?

"Stop lying, Tristan. I hope this makes you feel good about yourself." I immediately walked away from him because I wanted nothing to do with him.

My stomach knotted from all the guilt I was experiencing, I should not have done that to Xavier. He was always so sweet to me from day one and I should have respected his feelings.

Tears began to form in my eyes. I needed to find him and apologize to him and tell him how I really felt about him.

I entered the school, searching for him. I looked in the places I hoped I would find him in.

I spent over an hour going around the school searching for him but he wasn't there.


Luna does not know what she just got herself into by kissing Tristan. Who knows what his jerky girlfriend, Kassy; will do to her when she finds out.

Oh, boy! I am excited. *rubs hands together.

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