Morning After

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Chapter 19

Princess Elora
Wei Li Lian
Lady Wei

Li Lian pulled the blanket over her and snuggled for warmth. At least her feelings were not as erratic and wild as before, she was stable now.

After they dyed her hair, she was escorted back to Hougong, her old quarters, to sleep there. It had awakened her servants who were always stationed there in case she wanted to move back in. This was Grand Consort Shu's idea.

Li Lian was dozing off when the voice of her beloved awakened her.

"Why did you not report she was here all this while?" he shouted.

"Your Majesty, she asked for us to not let any visitors in."

Thudding footsteps filled the hallway, Li Lian's heartbeat accelerating with it.

"Your Majesty, Her Ladyship has requested for no visit―"

"Be quiet!" He slammed the door open and bulldozed at full speed. "Li Lian!"

Her mind raced with possible explanations to give to him. Yet, he engulfed her into a hug and sighed in relief.

"Li Lian... I thought I had lost you again," he muttered. "I would not  forgive myself if I lost you again... the heavens granted me another opportunity to redeem myself with you." His hand sunk into her hair, ran on her scalp, and waved through her strands.

This had her shrinking within, knowing her hair was slightly wet as they just washed it to remove the dye.

It made her nervous, and seeing one of the servants sneak in a lamp at the door, she was all the more self-conscious and weary that he would see the beastly appearance on her face.

However, he did not question the wetness of her hair, apparently stuck in the overwhelming gratefulness of having found her.

"You said you would be back in a few minutes, what happened?" He still embraced her, not wishing to let her go anytime soon. "Are you all right? Did someone bully you?"

Li Lian got teary. He knew she was the most cunning woman around, yet to him, she was the child who could get abused and taken advantage of.

This man would do anything to keep her and have her by his side. He was insanely in love with her and regarded her as his everything. How could she ever abandon this for anything else? Such love was unquestionable to just up and leave.

"No, who would dare do that?"

"Then what is it? Was it me? Did I hurt you earlier?"

"What? No." They parted and came face to face. His visage carried a frown of pain and regret already. "It is not that... I just wanted some breath of fresh air... then I thought if I came back, I would wake you up and you were so tired from all the recent work... I couldn't dare wake you up."

He did not give away any sense of belief towards her words, but his words did give her relief.

"Really? You care for me that much?"

She nodded slightly.

"Thank heavens you do, Li Lian." Again, he embraced her into his strong warm arms. "Never, never could you be a bother to me. Wake me as many times as you want, as long as I have you in my arms. It is worth it."

"Hao, I will remember that next time."

He loured when he let go of her again. "What is that smell?"

Oh, no. "What smell?" she tried her best to act dumb.

"A weird herb... blunt smell..." He looked around. "Anyone out there?"

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