Tears of Elora

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Chapter 74

Crown Princess Elora

Since the day they discovered Crown Princess Elora was pregnant, there had been great curiosity about the gender identity of the child. Although Elora knew she would love and be content with her child no matter the gender, she did not expect to find it out next to the words no mother would want to hear about their child.

"He is not breathing!" The Physician Assistant cried.

Elora watched her mother leave her side at rapid speed. She took the child from the hands of the assistants and massaged his chest.

"Bring a lot of towels and everything we prepared in advance!" Her mother lay him on the small table with the cradle of a warm blanket. "Come on, child," she desperately pumped his chest, "Breathe!"

Li Lian looked up at the roof and said a prayer to the heavens. She uncontrollably shivered due to shock and tremendous fear.

Her worst nightmare was before her.

Abandoning the resuscitation altogether, Queen Elora violently beckoned her hands and summoned her power, and like oil being poured, she emptied yellow rays into the child.

"Where is what I have asked for?" Queen Elora screamed at the servants.

Simultaneously, they rushed in wheeling a small metal table stocked with different types of blades alongside herbs.

Stopping her energy sharing, Queen Elora took a short knife and did not hesitate to plunge it into the child's chest. With great focus, she cut through the chest, careful not to cut the wrong vein and artery points.

Elora did not specifically know the mind of her mother. However, what she did know was that she had carried the child of a dragon and the technique of taking out the heart was a long carried tradition. Whether it would work or not, she could only hope.

Her mother's forehead was a river of sweat the assistants kept dabbing. It was important that her mother did not make a mistake and cut off at the wrong vein or artery point as it would result in bleeding. Cutting at the correct points resulted in the end shutting itself off. The blood would be rerouted to get to the brain and the rest of the body as any normal person.

"I have safely extracted the heart," Queen Elora exhaled in relief. "May the Priestess use her internal skill to blow into his lungs the air he needs while I work on his heart. He is still not breathing and my sustaining energy is quickly sipping out of his meridians."

The Priestess waved and coiled her fingers before a white surge of power flowed from her index finger into the little parted mouth.

Her mother pumped the heart in her hand. "Resilience, child," she whispered. "You must survive."

The first few minutes that passed, Elora was quite hopeful, but when half an hour passed, she started to feel that they were avoiding the inevitable. Maybe it was not meant to be and they were forcing him to live when he did not want to be there.

"Crying will not save his life," her mother snapped. "Pull yourself together or I will have you taken out."

Elora wiped her tears and bit her lower lip to stop it from wobbling.

"I expected many things but I did not prepare for this sickness." Queen Elora kept gently massaging the heart.


"He has a congenital heart disease, worsened by the fact that he is both Furian and Nevorian. If he was only Nevorian, he would be all right for half of his life as his father."

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