Sister Nation

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Chapter 56

Bai Yuwen Hong
Bai Shen Hong
Emperor Huizhong

The large room was tense, and you could fish the awkwardness out of the suspense waters gushing around. Yuwen Hong sat at the head of the table, while the Queen of Furia sat at the opposite end.

Queen Elora was immaculate in her white gown that was dressed with diamond crystals. Her clothing wasn't revealing as cloth covered every part of her, except for the face and hands. This, Yuwen Hong appreciated as he was aware that normally, their attires were revealing.

On this day, she was being respectful of Nevoria's traditions. She came to his territory and therefore, was to bend to his territory's rules.

Yuwen Hong noticed something he was familiar with clicked onto her hair. It was the stone alike to the stone used on Li Lian's pendant.

Interesting. The puzzle was coming into place.

Queen Elora's hair was white as snow, complimented by a deep set of amber eyes, a copy of Li Lian's. She still carried the presence Yuwen Hong remembered. It was natural for her to control the atmosphere that one's hair on the back of their neck would rise.

Yuwen Hong had his Foreign Relationships advisers, two each on his right and left. The same for Queen Elora, who had Oren among the four subjects she allowed for the negotiations.

Rows of his court ladies entered to present tea using the grandest of golden cutlery they could collect from Yuwen Hong's treasure room. No palace maids had been allowed to serve as perfection was required; the tilting of the teapot, the filling in of the cup and the laying of the tray, all of it was done with uttermost gentleness and precision.

"This is the tea that came from across the Western seas. It has good ingredients that will improve one's health. Please, drink," Yuwen Hong instructed.

Nobody said anything, as they just nodded and tried it.

When they had all taken a sip, he enquired if it was good. Yuwen Hong enjoyed watching the Queen of Furia scowl in distaste at the fact that he was taking all his time to start their intended meeting.

"For a man who drinks such tea, Emperor Huizhong does not look to be in good health," Queen Elora commented.

Yuwen Hong smirked. "Apologies, My Queen, that my appearance is not as pleasing. Your daughter kept me awake."

One of the Furian subjects coughed on his tea. Of course, Yuwen Hong's words could be misinterpreted, so he went on to clarify. "It is not every day that I catch a spy from Huticah. Such a grand opportunity, a row of punishments can only be given."

Queen Elora scowled; her tea abandoned out of spite.

Oren attempted to deviate back to their previous topic, not wanting matters to escalate so fast. "The taste of this tea reminds me of the feeling someone gets when they drink waterfall water after being perched for a long time."

Yuwen Hong agreed with him and took more sips before clearing his throat to begin the meeting.

"We have indeed confirmed that Wei Li Lian is a pure Furian. Our experts carried out various extensive tests, and the results were positive."

They made a cut on Li Lian's arm to drain sizable amount of blood. The multiple tests consisted of mixing her blood with specific chemicals to ensure that how her blood reaction would be what was expected of Furian royal blood.

The Nevorian royal family had a history of capturing pure Furians for their blood, which would prolong the emperors' lives by submerging their hearts in Furian blood. Thus, Nevoria was well-versed in testing whether the blood was pure or tainted.

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