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Chapter 80

Crown Princess Elora


"It is enough, Elora. Know when to stop," Oren chastised her from above.

An hour had passed since the heavens had opened, and the rain showed no signs of relenting. It descended in relentless sheets, cascading down in an unending deluge. The earth had transformed into a watery symphony, each raindrop composing its own unique melody as it splattered against the ground. The pitter-patter of the rain on the grave echoed through the surroundings, creating a rhythm that danced in harmony with the storm's intensity. Everything was enveloped in a cloak of water and sound, especially her clothes.

"When the sun was scalding hot, you were here as well. You wish for death," Oren droned on.

It was not that she wished death upon herself. She just felt overwhelmed and was spiralling in a dark tunnel she did not know how to get out of.

Finally, rose to her feet and followed him into the palace, where her retainers graciously waited. She was their queen, now, after the coronation that took place three days ago.

Seven days. A week had passed since her mother took her leave to the world of bliss.

Not more than two days after her funeral, they went on to place the crown on Elora's head. The people in attendance at the funeral, therefore, had not departed so as to attend her coronation ceremony.

"Your Majesty, here will be my update." Nylah was the lady in charge of the queen's schedule and running the palace. They recognised her as the Senior Palace Lady.

A long coat was shoved on her by another retainer, seeing her drenched in rain and trembling.

"His Royal Highness is still unwell," Nylah summarised Yun Xiang's state.

Since the passing of his grandmother, all he did was cry every minute he was awake. Even his feeding had become minimal. His health was all right when he was checked, so they could only conclude that he missed his grandmother.

His days were a relentless cascade of tears, shedding them relentlessly throughout each waking hour. Even the most basic of tasks, such as eating, had dwindled to a mere necessity, eclipsed by the weight of his unyielding grief.

Physician evaluations yielded no tangible ailments affecting his health, leaving the conclusion that his profound decline was solely attributed to the loss of his grandmother. But until when he would continue to cry, nobody knew. And this worried Elora. What if something else was the matter and they were just ignorant to it?

Her mother always seemed to know what to do. She understood Yun Xiang more than anyone else, and he seemed to respond positively to every effort she put toward him. Now she was gone and Yun Xiang and Elora had each other. They did not know how to deal with that fact.

In the past, Elora would hide behind her mother whenever Yun Xiang became too much to handle. Only when the storm had passed would she suffice it fit to step in.

Not anymore.

And this just made her feel like the worst mother. Whenever she went to him, she could not handle more than an hour of his crying and unhappiness.

His grandfather, Oren, did not seem to mind it as much, but he was mostly busy with organising matters concerning the military and the many events that did not seem to end due to the passing away of the queen.

"His Majesty, Emperor Huizhong, still insists on being granted your audience. He refuses to leave Furia till then," Nylah continued.

Yuwen Hong attended her mother's funeral just as the many dignitaries that appeared from all corners of the earth. Now that the coronation had passed, everyone dispersed and departed for their homes. Not him, who had insisted on seeing her from the day he first arrived.

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