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Remember that Zhen is used by the emperor to refer to himself.

Chapter 43

Bai Shen Hong
Bai Yuwen Hong
Emperor Huizhong
The Dragon Palace

"The wedding procession, Your Majesty, will pass by the bridge and then take the main road parallel to the city gates."

Yuwen Hong inspected the map in engrossment. His finger traced the roads on the map, perusing over every small detail. Before the wedding starts, on the day, he and Li Lian are to separately have a procession around the city for all the citizens to watch and feel included, though not allowed to attend the ceremony.

"There are not enough servicemen to guard this place, more must be added here." He pointed.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After a few more changes, they swapped the map for the overview of the seating arrangement at the Hall of Festivals.

"No," Yuwen Hong shook his head in disagreement, "I want the Kings of the West far from my throne, instead, you must sit Kings of the South nearer to me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

They made more changes for the next hour until the Minister of Events had to leave. Yuwen Hong had a scheduled morning tea with his grandmother, who had requested it in advance on the previous night.

Grand Dowager Empress Wu slowly entered his library. Nowadays, she needed three of her attendants to help her seat, a difference to the one before. Her old age burdened her; she was unwell and lacked strength most of the time.

Yuwen Hong departed from his main seat to have her take it up as she was senior to him.

"A good morning to Her Highness," Yuwen Hong bowed to his grandmother.

"Good morning," she waved for him to sit across her. "It is dark in here, open more windows and slide the curtains."

"Yes, Your Highness." Her attendants finished helping her settle and did as she instructed before taking their leave.

After a while of entertaining silence between them, she started their conversation. "You seem well for a brokenhearted and deceived man."

"This servant has brought tea." The doors slid open as Court Lady Nam entered and laid before them cutlery and a teapot of tea with its set.

Ignoring the intrusion, Yuwen Hong said, "Her Highness shared a secret of hers, Zhen has the choice to believe it or not."

Grand Dowager Empress' eyes drew to slits. "You are in a period of denial as I presumed you would be."

"Denial and disbelief are not the same."

Court Lady Nam bowed and departed after pouring the tea for his grandmother.

"If you choose to deny the truth, be careful, the truth might reveal itself brutally to humble you."

"The truth is subjective when there is greediness involved," Yuwen Hong snapped.

Grand Dowager Empress gasped. "Greedy for what? Death lies at my door, what will I gain?"

"Let her Highness clarify that for me because I do not understand how the woman she told me to marry and make empress is now a spy!"

She shifted wearily. "My intentions are insignificant when it comes to the truth of that woman being the daughter of the nation that killed your father."

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