𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Clara couldn't attend school the next day because of stomachache due to Charlie cooking spoiled egg for breakfast by mistake. She lay the in bed and tried several times to call Jasper and the other Cullens. So far, no one had picked it up, not even Rosalie nor Alice.

Clara opened the door and smiled as Bella came in.

"Hey Bella. Did Jasper come to school?" She asked. Bella shook her head.

"None of them did. I don't know what's going on. They won't pick up my calls nor reply to my texts." Bella said.

"Same with me too." Clara added and tried dialing Jasper again. No one picked up.

"I'm going to sleep." Clara sighed and left.


Clara woke up the next morning and checked her phone instantly. No calls or messages from Jasper or the others. She brushed her teeth and was about to get ready from school when she noticed that her window was open. She raised a brow. Clara clearly remembered closing the window before sleeping the previous night. She checked it and noticed a folded piece of paper on the window sill. Furrowing her eyes brows, she took the paper and unfolded it and read it.

Dear Clara,
I know this is coming to you as a surprise. And I'm sorry that it has to be this way. But what I'm about to write, I can't tell it you face-to-face. I know that if I do, I'll change my mind.

What happened last night was fortunate enough that no one got hurt, but what if that changes? What if the next this happens, I hurt someone else? Specifically, what if I hurt you and put your life in danger?

I can't stay with you knowing how much a of a danger I am. I know that what I'm doing is cowardly but Edward told me that no matter how hard we try, our thirst will always get the better of us. I'm not safe for you. You're not safe with me Clara.

By the time you receive this letter, the entire family would probably be on the road by now. I'm sorry that I'm just leaving but it has to be this way. I cannot let you get hurt or worse, killed.

I'm sorry Clara.


Clara read the letter continuously, the more she read, her eyes glossed with tears. This was his solution? To leave? To leave with just a letter? No goodbye? That was it? He just threw her away? He just abandoned their love?

Tears streamed down to her cheeks uncontrollably as Clara tore the paper into pieces and threw them to the floor. Her world came crashing down, it felt as if someone had suddenly thrown her out of a moving car. The love of her life, he just left. Clara sympathised with his reasoning but she couldn't help but feel betrayed and disappointed. Couldn't he have talked to her? Couldn't he have told her of how horrible and guilty he was feeling? They could have solved it together. They could have gone through it together. But no, he left. And that hurt Clara. It hurt so bad and yet no one would be able to see where it hurt, cause of all places, it was her heart. Her heart was falling apart faster than she could pick it up and her tears wouldn't stop.

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When Clara didn't come out of her room even during noon, Charlie grew worried. He marched up the stairs and knocked on the his daughter's door.

"Kiddo? You okay?" He asked. He didn't hear a reply, but he heard faint sniffles. His eyes widened and he immediately got the door keys and unlocked the door.

"Clara is everything alright?" He entered the room and his eyes widened at the scene in front of him.

Clara was in her pajamas, sitting on her brown armchair. A blue blanket covered her legs and she sat there, her hair in a messy bun. What surprised Charlie the most was that she was crying. A large volume of tears flowed steadily from her puffy eyes as she softly cried.

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