𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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"Sam's lost the element of surprise and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on." Jacob explained to all the vampires and Bella in the room.

Clara glanced out the window to see several wolves resting and snarling. She tightly gripped Jasper's arm and he instantly laced her fingers with his and pressed a small kiss on her head to comfort her.

"He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob finished.

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett smirked but Carlisle instantly threw his adoptive son's idea out the window.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." The Cullen leader declared.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob stated but Esme disagreed with him and added on to her husband's points,

"Not in ours." She said.

"Carlisle no one's hunted in weeks." Emmett pointed out. Jasper looked around, it was very evident. Clara's eyes, including everyone else's, started having small specs of a dull black and their piercing amber eyes were getting darker.

"We'll make do." Esme stated and everyone's head dropped down at her words. They were starting to get thirsty and not hunting wasn't helping. Fortunately, Jasper's control had gotten much better and Clara's newborn thirst was long gone.

"You've done us a great service Jacob. Thank you." Carlisle politely thanked to which the wolf gave a small nod in response.


"What's the news?" Clara asked the next coming in with her husband.

"She has a cracked rib. Nothing's been splintered yet." Edward answered. Clara frowned and went to her sister.

"Is it hurting too much?" She asked.
"Not as much. I'm fine." Bella weakly smiled.

"It's crushing you from the inside-out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me." Edward begged.

"Carlisle. Tell me. It's alright." Bella nodded.

"Then foetus is incompatible with your body. It's too strong, it won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour, I can't stop it and I can't slow the process. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver." Carlisle explained.

Hearing this made Clara's dead heart ache. She didn't to lose her older sister but she also knew how much Bella loved her baby and that killing them baby would hurt and grieve Bella more than anything.
Jasper sensed his wife's emotions and sent calming waves to her, rubbing circles on her knuckles as the two left the room to give Bella and Edward time to talk.

"Jaz, will Bella be alright? Will the baby be alright? I can't take this stress." Clara dryly sobbed, her head against his chest as Jasper hugged her and ran his fingers through her hair.

"It'll be fine Darlin'. It always ends up fine." He assured slowly.


All the vampires had taken shifts watching Bella. Rosalie and Clara always stayed by Bella's side and whenever the pain got too much, Clara would use her power and remove the sensation of pain for her. Sometimes Clara and Jasper would also go to the balcony to keep a lookout for the wolves and guard the house while the wolves, Jacob, Seth and Leah rested.

Carlisle, Alice, Edward and Jasper also researched the Internet and read all the books to find out ways to help both the baby and Bella survive and its strengths and qualities. Esme and Clara, being the only ones who could cook and use the kitchen were in charge of making meals for the wolves to energise them and keep them strong.

Clara was bringing in sandwiches when she saw Edward slam the laptop shut after researching about Immortal Children. She frowned but went out to the place where the wolves were. She smiled and held out the sandwiches.

"Lunch is sandwich. Esme and I will make pasta for dinner." She told as she handed Seth and Jacob the sandwich.

"Thanks dude!" Seth cheered and hungrily ate his sandwich. Clara chuckled at his excited manner and held out one for Leah, the only girl wolf. As usual, Leah only looked at it before turning away and ignoring her. The wolf still wasn't opening up to neither Clara and Esme.

"Don't worry. She eats it afterwards every time." Jacob told taking the sandwich and keeping it for his friend. Clara only nodded in understanding and left.


"We need to find a way to get food into her system." Esme spoke up. The outside was dark and it was late at night. Bella was on the couch with Jacob, her legs on his lap. Clara was sitting on Jasper's leg on an armchair in the corner of the room. Emmett and Alice were close by. The vampires hadn't fed in quite some time and their amber eyes were losing its brightness and slowly turning darker.

"If only I could see the foetus." Alice mumbled.

"The baby." Rosalie and Clara corrected at once.

"Right. The baby." Alice stated, "Maybe I could figure out what it wants."

"I think you might be right." Edward said looking at the wolf, "Jacob just had an idea."

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment." Jacob rolled his eyes and muttered under his breadth but all the vampires heard anyway.

"What were the you thinking?" Carlisle asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." Jacob replied making all the vampires except Carlisle, Esme and Edward glare a dangerous look at the wolf.

"He's thirsty." Bella remarked looking at her husband.

"I know the feeling." Emmett mumbled and Clara sighed. They were all getting thirsty and if this continued on for too long, it would be dangerous for Bella to give birth without them losing control.

"If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood." Edward stated glancing over at his adoptive father.

"I have some O negative blood laid aside for Bella." Carlisle said before leaving the room.

Clara got up from Jasper's lap and put her hand out. She gave him a small smile,
"Walk with me?" She requested. Jasper nodded and grabbed her hand, the two mates leaving the room out to the front porch. Soon, Alice and Emmett joined them along and the vampires stood there as their jaws clenched and their eyes closed.

Clara could hear Bella gulping the blood. She could smell the blood. And it was tempting, it was sweet and Clara wanted nothing more than to run in and grab the blood and gulp it all to herself and hunt. She was thirsty, but she wouldn't lose control now. She couldn't lose control. She had to fight the urge.

Her hand went over and laced her fingers with her husband's. Jasper gave a small squeeze in return as he too, tried to fight his animalistic urges.

 Jasper gave a small squeeze in return as he too, tried to fight his animalistic urges

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