Chapter 41: Keery

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After sharing the names of our wolves with one another we spent our day doing what Mateo called 'bed rest'. It basically amounted to me having to sit in the bed and not get out of it while Mateo ran around like a mad man trying to do twelve different things at once. It was actually pretty amusing to watch him, and I definitely was caught laughing at him a time or two.

While I sat on the bed slowly trying to make my way through a couple of children's books. They weren't very complex in their stories, but I was struggling to put the words together. But at least they were keeping me entertained as I began the process of learning how to read again. I was frustrated with a word that seemed to make no sense and searched for Mateo hoping that he would be able to shed some light on what it could possibly mean.

He was on the dialing a number on his phone and as it rang I waved my hand a little hoping to get his attention before whoever was on the other end answered. He smiled down at me as he walked over, quirking his eyebrow up in question. I pointed towards the word I had been struggling with and with pleading eyes begged him to just tell me what it was. Over the course of my afternoon reading Mateo had been trying to teach me how to better sound out the words I struggled with and I found it incredibly frustrating. But before he could do anything whoever was on the other end of his phone call picked up.

"Yes, hello Orren, I know I just called you but can you hold on for just one second for me? My mate needs a hand with something real quick." Mateo said, tucking the phone between his shoulder and ear as he perched on the edge of the bed nearest me. The person must have respond because Mateo nodded slightly and took a closer look at the word I was struggling with. After a few seconds he used his finger to cover one half of the word focusing on its beginning.

"Okay Elvira, what do you think this part of the word says?" He asked, there was no hint of frustration in his voice even though this was probably the seventh word I had to ask him about in the past half hour.

"Toe your?" It was a pitiful guess and I knew that, but I couldn't figure out what sound the two vowels were supposed to be making.

"That is actually a really good guess. I know that sometimes the vowels can be frustrating, but try to remember what I told you about vowels sounds with and without an e." I thought back to what he had explained to me about fifteen minutes ago about how an e could change the sound a vowel made. Realising my mistake I blushed a little and took another look down at the page.

" it tour?" I asked again this time with a little more confidence in my answer.

"It is, wonderful job sweetheart! Now let's look at the ending of the word, and try to add it onto the beginning." Mateo moved his finger off the other half of the word and I took a few seconds to look it over and sound it out in my head before I replied.

"Tourist!" It wasn't a question, I smiled up at him knowing it was right this time.

"Exactly, you got it! You are so smart Elvira! I know that one was tricky but you figured it out way faster than the other ones and I am so proud of you." Mateo bent down and planted a kiss on my forehead causing me to blush even harder than before. As he stood he took his phone back into his hand and began talking to the individual on the other end.

"Sorry about that I just...yes her name is Elvira as I am sure you heard. Well I met her about a week and a half ago actually...yes I do know where she was before that. No I have no idea how long she was there...Why are you asking me all of this?" Mateo seemed to grow confused as the person on the other end questioned him about me. I was curious as well, why did they want to know about me?

I sat up a little putting my book aside and paying more attention to the conversation that Mateo seemed to be having on the phone. I wasn't sure why but I felt it could be very important. I scooched closer to the edge of the bed and leaned in a little. Mateo noticed my movement and reached down to run his fingers through my hair.

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