Chapter Ten: Stranger Part 1

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The drugs that forced my body to shut down did not allow my mind the same courtesy, it merely made it move in slow motion. I could tell that my body was moving and by the sound of squeaky wheels I assumed I was being wheeled I once again found myself floating in and out of consciousness pick out pieces of what the people around me were saying. It was strange to once again only be able to put together parts of a conversation.

"It's horrible the Alpha....mate."

"I can't imagine....been like to see....that for the first time."

"These nothing....seen before, what....happened?"

"I have....can't even recognize....must have been...."

I knew they were talking about me but everything was moving so slowly. My brain wasn't processing what they were saying properly. What were they talking about, why was I moving somewhere. Slowly darkness began to swirl through my mind inviting me to come and rest inside of it. Without a second thought I followed it allowing my mind to rest for a few moments.


My eyes blinked open and I immediately shut them against the bright lights that had been placed above me. There was a rather annoying beeping noise filling the room that I wished would just turn off. I tried to move my arm to cover my eyes but instead of skin meeting my cheek it felt like plastic. I sat up quickly blinking away the confusion and looking down at my arm. There were wires and needles embedded in my arm winding up to the different machinery in the room.

Suddenly I remembered what had knocked me out in the first place. Those hands, those nameless hands that had strapped me to that table while they poked and prodded at my back. The pain those actions had caused had been excruciating, all I had wanted was for them to leave me alone to allow me to heal on my own from....

The damage that had been done to my back, I was scared to look at it to see what had been done. I knew that the scars would be grotesque only adding to my already hideously deformed body. I wanted to cry just thinking about it, I was already ugly enough why did I have to keep adding more and more scars on top of everything else.

It was only then that I realized I couldn't feel any pain, which made no sense because of the injuries I had received. I might not have been smart, but I was bright enough to figure out that the wires must have been what was keeping me from feeling the pain of my punishment. Why had they taken away the pain, Master always said the point of a lesson was that I would remember it for days to come so why would he have numbed me?

Looking around the room I found that I wasn't in the medical room Master normally threw me in when he got to rough with me. The room was large and the walls were a strange shade of blue. There were five or six chairs scattered around the room one of which had been pulled right next to my bed. Their were cabinets that I could see were filled with pills and different medical supplies. A door was open that revealed a bathroom on the other side and the whole place smelled of disinfectant. This was a hospital, I had been brought to a hospital.

My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest once I realized where I was. There was no way that Master would ever take me to a hospital, they asked to many questions. That had to mean that he was either very upset with me and prepping and amazingly horrible punishment for when I got back or he didn't know I was here which would also result in a horrible punishment.

I used my free hand to reach over and pull the jumble of wires from my arm. I had to get out of here and there was no way I was going to drag all of this equipment behind me. As I finally freed my arm from the confining grip of the machinery a loud harsh alarm began wailing through my room. A light next to my bed began flashing and my overwhelmed mind didn't know how to react.

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