Chapter 27: Leaving

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I wandered around the house for a while trying to properly acquaint myself with every room. I had tried to clean this morning but I woke up late and was unable to clean much besides the kitchen and front room. Mateo had stopped me before I could really do much and had insisted that I didn't have to do any chores. But I really didn't want to have a lesson because I was shirking my duties.

With my bandaged hands it was hard to do much, taking them off wasn't really an option either. They were the only things keeping me from infection and having my hands down for the count is something I couldn't afford. Walking into one of the bathrooms I opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out the cleaning supplies. I was turning on the water to get the rag wet so that I could start on my chores, as my hands slipped under the water someone else's hands wrapped around my wrists.

I immediately tried to jeck backwards but found myself trapped by the chest of whoever was behind me. I began breathing faster trying to find a way out of this person's grip as I thrashed trying to free myself. Just when I felt I was away from the chains I was suddenly stuck once again.

"Hey it's just me, I've got you now Elvira. You need to put these down, I already told you that I don't want you doing chores. We have maids to help clean up any messes we make, but you also have to recognize that we don't need this place spotless. Having a mess is allowed, it is actually encouraged by most people to have a little bit of mess. So you need to calm down and go back to bed so that your body can rest and heal." It was Mateo who was holding onto me. Inadvertently my body relaxed as my brain went into overdrive and my breath refused to slow down.

"Come on you've got to breathe for me now or we are gonna have issues later on. We gotta get you to the point where I can be around you and have you not freak out." The last part was muttered under his breath and I got the impression that I wasn't supposed to hear it.

Still my lungs refused to obey me and I couldn't get any oxygen into my body. My vision became splotchy and I began to grip onto Mateo considering he was the only thing keeping me up. I am not entirely sure why but my body trusted him. It was my mind that refused to let me even consider that he might be different and I knew that was probably true. After all I'd never met a man without an agenda before, and while I wasn't sure what his was yet I knew that I would most likely end up on the sadder side of the bargain.

"You have to relax mate, you need to breathe. Please, please you have to relax....come on you've got to do it Elvira." I desperately tried to force my lungs into action but nothing seemed to work. Everything began to grow dark and my body burned with the demand for something my body could not give it.

I knew Mateo was still talking to me as I could see his mouth moving but that was about the only thing I could still see. Everything else around me was black but my eyes focused on Mateo and I felt a smile cross my lips as I slowly faded into the blackness. I liked this blackness it was like the one I had experienced before I woke up on that stupid operating table.

Once again I could feel the weight of my body leaving me and it felt amazing to just let go, to let everything else fade away. I was finally able to let my mind relax as it was able to pull away from all the pain and panic. This time, this time I would be able to fade into the darkness without any interruptions. Just as I thought I would finally be able to simply leave, I felt two strong arms pulling me back. Once again that voice came back but stronger than before.

"Cannot leave....we cannot leave him....he is your mate....he is our mate we can't....he needs us." The voice was insistent and I couldn't reason with her.

"No, we can just leave. We can relax and finally be free from all of this. Free from a world that does nothing but abuse us. I just want to be able to find a way out of this and we both know this is the only way." She won't listen and keeps attempting to pull me back to reality.

I knew fighting was useless so I let her force our body into living, but I refused to let her make us regain consciousness. It was my body and I still got to make some decisions about what would happen to it.

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