Chapter Twelve: Woods

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The real Chapter 12, the last one was the old version on accident, sorry!


Master had chained me up in his black room three days ago, at least I thought it was three days ago. It was harder to keep track of the passage of time here, there were no clocks and I wasn't fed when Master was mad at me. My wrists were raw from the thrashing that pulled me out of nightmares when I managed to fall asleep. Blood ran down my arms staining my shirt and skin as I pushed back the burning pain in my shoulders and tried to think of somewhere else.

The door was thrown open and Master stalked inside. I recoiled at the reverberating sound of the door slamming against the wall and resigned myself to the promise of pain it brought with it. Master was usually good at hiding his emotions if he was losing it like this it meant that I was in for a world of hurt in a few moments.

"Pet, do you have ANY idea how angry I am at you?" I knew better than to answer that question shaking my head and gluing eyes to the floor. His hand connected with my cheek and my head flew backward banging against the hard wooden wall.

"I have been nothing but kind to you. I took you in when your parents threw you out because they saw you for the trash you were. I gave you a room of your own and provided you with everything you could ever need and taught you your place in this world. And yet after all of that you think that you can go behind my back and disregard all of my rules for your own personal gain?" He was furious and I curled as far into the wall as I could wanting to be as far away from him as I possibly could.

"Your Pet was a bad girl Master, she didn't think about what she was doing. She didn't mean to make you made, please I didn't mean to," Another sharp blow came as I realized my mistake.

"YOU DO NOT GET TO TALK ABOUT YOURSELF LIKE YOU MATTER!! YOU ARE ONLY MY PET NOTHING ELSE! DO....YOU....UNDERSTAND!" His screams sent sobs spilling from me. I nodded quickly not wanting him to be any more angry than he was at this moment.

"You were bad my Pet, completely disregarding my rules like this is unexceptable. Taking food you haven't been given is one of my biggest rules, you know that. We have to watch your weight otherwise you will get fat and even more hideous than you already are. You ignored the orders of someone in authority and attempted to lie and say that you hadn't done it. You have made me very very disappointed Pet, and there will be consequences." I refused to look up, to see whatever was written on his face that would tell me my fate. I could count every single one of my bones and I had no clue how it would be possible for me to get any skinnier.

"I think it's time you go have another visit with the men in the cages. They always seem to remind you of exactly what comforts I give you up here. You always come back with such beautiful scars and you listen ten times better, yes I think that is what needs to be done." His words were a death toll ringing in my ears.

"No please, please don't send girl down there. She won't break your rules ever again, she promises, just don't make her go back down there! Please Master, your girl can't take that again! Don't make her go back to those demons!" But my words were useless and only seemed to entice him more to the idea.

"Yes, yes I think this will be just what you need. Four days with my friends down in the cages and you will learn, you will never disobey me like this again." With that Master snapped his fingers and two of his men came in to drag me away.

"Come back to me with the right attitude Pet, or you will be spending the rest of your life with them." Already I could hear the ringing of the insane men in those cages, and I begged any god who was listening to help me.

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