Chapter 42: Dreaming

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I stare into the darkness of the small room that Master guy has given to me. I am still curious as to why my Mother and Father hadn't come to get me yet. I know that they wouldn't leave me here to suffer with this crazy man. They would never allow someone who wants to hurt me, they were far too protective. I had to have been gone for a while though I wasn't sure how long it had been since I had seen my family.

I thought back to what they had told me before all of this happened. I had been fighting with my parents about being able to go where I wanted to without having to tell someone whenever I wanted to leave. I had been caught trying to sneak out the back into the garden to be able to spend some time by myself.

"I know that you are upset with Sindre, but that doesn't mean that you just get to leave. You know how important it is that we know where you are, people could do something to you. Do you know how much that would hurt your father and I? We love you and I just don't understand why you would do something like this." My mother chided.

"It was his fault! All I did was ask him one question and he got mad at me, why I didn't even do anything! I just wanted to go outside and he threw a fit about going with me. If we didn't have all these stupid rules everything would be fine. Neither of them need to have permission to go outside. And besides that you aren't even mad at him, he yelled at me and told me if I bothered him again he was gonna punch me." I exclaimed exasperated.

"We recognize that what he did wasn't nice Elvira, but what his punishment is, or whether he gets a talking to is none of your business. You need to be worrying about yourself, not about everyone else around you. You know the rules and you chose to disobey them so you have to face the consequences. That is how it works, you don't have to like it, but we expect you to follow the rules." Dad tried to explain but I wasn't having it

"THOSE RULES ARE RIDICULOUS!" I shouted, totally fed up with this.

"Why am I the ONLY ONE who has to follow the stupid rules? Do you think I am an idiot, I am not gonna run off where I just want to walk outside by myself. WHY is that such a HARD thing to ask for. I mean SERIOUSLY! I want to know why I CAN'T BUT THEY CAN!" I knew yelling at my father wasn't a good idea, but I didn't care.

"What did you just say to me?" A low growl left my fathers mouth, but Mom put her hand on his shoulder.

"I know that you are both upset and it is clear we won't be able to have a good conversation right now. Both of you get to go to your rooms to cool off before I come get you and we can talk about it some more." I turned and stormed my way up the steps.

I should have listened to them, I should have trusted that they knew more than me. That they knew better than I did and would be able to take care of me, but I didn't. Now I was stuck here, with a man who claimed my parents had sent me to him because they were tired of me. But that couldn't be true because my parents loved me, they would always love me...right?

I awoke suddenly, my heart racing and my head aching. I felt as if something were pushing against a giant wall inside my head, something I couldn't name. My dream made no sense, it was from my early days with Master, but I hadn't ever been able to recall those very clearly. Why now was it coming back to me, was it real or was it something that my mind made up to make me feel better. It didn't really matter either way, I wasn't going to trust it as it made no sense. I laid back down determined to fall asleep.

The pounding in my head didn't stop and it was really starting to get to me. I knew that there was pain medicine somewhere in this place. I forced myself to get out of the bed and wrapped one hand around the pole holding my IV and whatever it was putting inside of me. My body felt stronger than it had in a while, but still weak compared to what I knew it could be.

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