Chapter 25: Cookies

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I did my best to wait patiently for my mother and Elvira to exit the bathroom, but I was beginning to get frustrated. Luca hated to be away from his mate and I was struggling to keep my wolf in check around her. All he wanted to do was hold his mate and ensure that she wasn't going anywhere, but we both knew that she wouldn't be able to handle that at the moment.

Water sloshed in the bathroom and I heard my mother murmuring to my mate as she dried her off. My mother was the kind of person that could see the good in everyone and it was a trait I had always admired in her. As soon as she had met my mate her motherly instincts had taken over and I knew that my mate would be safe with her. Niriol was an amazing Luna and cared for each and every person in her pack.

I had left some of my old clothes in the bathroom hoping that Elvira would wear them. I knew that if she refused my mother would find her an alternative set, but I prayed she would wear mine. It would give my wolf and I some comfort to know that she was wearing our scent.

Mom emerged from the bathroom carrying a wet Elvira in her arms. She was wrapped in a towel but her hair was sopping wet and dripping onto the carpet. I chuckled a little at her appearance as she stared up at me as if amazed to find herself clean. As she was set on the edge of the bed she reached her hand out to me looking at it in wonder.

"Yeah, you're all clean now huh. I guess it's probably been a long time since you've been like this, but don't worry now that you are here you can have a bath whenever you would like." I told her taking her hand in mine and squeezing it gently. She seemed to be more relaxed around me and allowed me to touch her more than she used to.

Her stomach growled and I laughed a little, but Elvira's face became a mask of fear. This mornings experience with food obviously left a sour taste in her mouth about eating. But we had to get foods into her, she was already malnourished and we needed to remedy the problem as quickly as possible.

"I know that you are hungry, but I also know that you probably don't want to have anything else to really eat after this morning. So we are going to compromise." I got up and walked over to my snack drawer and pulled out two packages of cookies. Opening them I made my way back to my still towel clad mate.

"My mom is going to help you get dressed, and then we are going to watch a movie and have some snacks, does that sound okay to you?" She stared at the packages with curiosity and slowly nodded her head. I smiled over at her as I turned my back so that Niriol could help her get dressed.

"Mateo, you do realize that we are going to have to buy clothes for her right? She can't keep wearing your clothes forever, it just wouldn't work." I knew she was right, but at the same time I didn't want to think about how we were going to manage that. There was no way that Elvira would be able to go shopping in her current state, and if we were going to get her clothes I wanted her to choose them.

"I know, but I want her to have a say in what we get her and she isn't ready for that yet. Until then can you get some of the pack's old clothes together so that she can at least dress like a girl. I want her to be able to express herself and her femininity, I don't want her to feel like she has to wear whatever I put in front of her." I explain to her as I hear the rustling of clothes and soothing instructions whispered behind me.

"I can live with that for now, she is your mate after all. I just wanted to make sure you weren't planning on making her dress like a boy til the end of time. If she really wanted to do that it would be fine, but I figure we should at least offer her a choice you know?" I got it, I completely understood what she was saying. There was a tap at my shoulder and I turned to face them.

My mate was drowning in my clothes so much so that I couldn't help but chuckle a little. The sleeves hung to almost her elbow while the bottom of the shirt hit her just above the knee. The pants had obviously been rolled several times at the top and bottom so that she would be able to move around. A pair of fuzzy socks I had found in the back of my drawer covered her feet and she seemed fascinated by them. Wiggling her little toes in them and smiling when the fuzzy fabric moved around.

"We will definitely have to be getting you clothes that fit better. I can't say I don't love that you are completely wrapped in my scent though. I kinda love that, not gonna lie but I can see that we will need to find a different solution." I extended a package of cookies towards her which caught her attention.

She glanced from the package to my face and then back again as if unsure what I would do if she took it. I didn't say a word I just stayed still as she hesitantly reached out and accepted the food. Reaching into the bag she pulled out a cookie and stared at it her eyes lighting up. She smiled up at me as she popped a cookie into her mouth obviously savoring the chocolate flavor.

"Go...oo...good" She mumbled as she began to eat another one relaxing where she sat perched on the edge of the bed. I pulled one of my own cookies out of the bag and began to munch on them too.

"Cookies are one of my favorite snacks, just as Mom she always makes them when she knows I've had a frustrating day." Mom rolled her eyes and made to leave the room but Elvira shot up and followed closely behind her. Mom sensed her and turned around curious as to what the little wisp of a girl needed.

"Tha ...Thank you." She quietly whispered and glanced up into Niriol's eyes as if unsure of what to say to her.

"No problem sweetheart, I would do anything to make sure that my sons mate is safe and happy." This answer seemed to satisfy Elvira as she came back to sit on the edge of the bed and continued eating her cookies. My mother threw one last glance our way before leaving as I picked up the TV remote.

"Now this should be an interesting experiment," I thought to myself as I turned on the TV. Instantly it captured my mates full attention, it was obvious that she hadn't really seen one before, maybe in passing but never up close like this.

I searched through the channels until I landed upon Lilo and Stitch which just so happened to be starting on the Disney channel. Elvira was completely engrossed in the screen and I knew this was going to be fun. I gently pulled her back further onto the bed so she could see the screen better and I waited to see what would happen.

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