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"Sir," There was a tentative knock at my door and I angrily glared at the slab of wood.

"You'd better have a good reason for coming up here and interrupting my fun. If you don't then you are going to find yourself without the tongue to do so again, as well as a couple of other body parts." I could almost taste the fear coming from the other side of the door.

"So sorry to interrupt Sir, I wouldn't have even thought about coming up here if it weren't important. You asked us to tell you as soon as we had any information about the girl and we do Sir. Some of the scouts just got back and one of them has an idea of how we can work on getting her back.

This was indeed the perfect time for him to interrupt and I decided I wasn't going to kill the poor boy. After all, he was just the messenger, and it wasn't his fault, he probably had no idea what I was really doing in here. I looked down at the body that laid strapped to the table in front of me. Up until a few moments ago, it had been breathing, though that had been a struggle.

It was infuriating, none of them were like her! My Pet could take so much worse than he did and walk the next day and this stupid piece of trash couldn't even last a couple of hours. None of them bounced back like she did or learned as she did. My Pet was one of a kind and I wanted her back, not just for how fun she was to play with but who she was and what she represented. I needed her back, it was so annoying to have to work with other playthings when you knew the perfect toy was just out of your reach.

Knowing that someone would be along while I was out to clean up the wreckage. I needed to see this scout who had information on my sweetheart. I threw the door open and the young man who had been standing outside it shied away from me and glanced past me. When he saw the mangled corpse behind me he went pale, pale enough that I was sure he was going to vomit but not until after he was far away from me.

"You said there was a scout?" I queried enjoying the way he squirmed under my gaze and thinking about all the different ways I could make him scream. Maybe some other time, I had to remind myself before I dragged him into the room and shredded him as well.

"Yes Sir, one of the Lieutenants sent him to wait in your office. They said that would be where you would want to meet with him, Sir." This close to him I could scent the terror rolling off of him and it was like drinking fine wine.

"Good work young man, now get back to your post before you find yourself locked in the dungeons waiting for your turn in my playroom." He scampered away faster than I had thought possible. Chuckling to myself I quickly made my way to the office and threw the door open without any warning. The male was sitting in one of the chairs before my desk straight-backed and looking directly forward.

"Hello Sir, I have new information about a possible way to get your Pet back and why exactly they are holding her." The male explained as I leisurely strolled over to my desk uncaring about how it might make him feel.

"Good, first things first then, why they are keeping her so closely guarded and near the higher ranks." I was not going to waltz around the topic as much as I wanted to make the male in front of me crumble underneath me. I knew that I needed him to tell me everything he knew.

"Yes, well....she is the Alpha's mate Sir. At least that is what pack rumor say and you know what they say, there's always some truth to a rumor. The fact that she hasn't been seen since the invasion and neither has the Alpha helps to confirm those suspicions.

I wanted to tear the man apart for telling me that. No one else could have her, NO ONE! She was mine, she was my pet and no one else was going to ruin all the hard work I had put into training her. I had to get her away from that filthy Alpha as quickly as possible.

"And your plan to get to her?" His eyes finally shifted meeting mine and there was mischief hidden behind them.

"That is where the fun begins."

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