Chapter 19: Mine

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I held my head in my hands trying to process all the information that my brain was throwing at me. Everything I had ever known had been overturned in a few hours and I was thrown into a new place with new rules that I didn't understand. They all acted as if I what Master had taught me was wrong, but it couldn't be wrong. Master would never lie to me, he wouldn't do that he only wanted what was best for me. He taught me how the real world acted, but these people kept telling me he was wrong. It made me feel as if my brain was being torn apart.

Mateo seemed to be the leader of the group here, though I couldn't be sure of that. He seemed young to be in charge, I hadn't expected the others to listen to him and yet they all did and acted as if he was someone who deserved their utmost respect. I wanted to know what he had done to deserve it, but there was no point in asking him as I could only assume it would lead to me getting in trouble again.

I had upset him before and I didn't know what I had done. When I had woken up I was terrified to find him still there with me and acting as if I hadn't done anything wrong by telling him my name. I should have been receiving punishment and lesson right now but nothing was happening. This was all horribly confusing and I just wanted to go home, I needed to go home. Master was going to be furious at me, but at the same time, something in me screamed at me to stay. That thought terrified me more than anything else at the moment.

The door to the room opened and I threw myself off of the bed and hid behind the edge. He was probably here to hurt me now, to punish me for what I had done. I knew that he wasn't really going to let my mistake go, he was just like Master. That was the way men were, they merely wanted you to listen to what they said and do as they asked without question. I hadn't listened to anything they had said and I was constantly asking questions. At least as much as I had dared to do so and now I was going to pay for it.

"Honey where are you? I know that you're in here and I brought you some food. I figured you would be hungry, but you're still injured and may have pulled your stitches again. I know you don't like us having to redo them so why don't you come out?" The voice was one of a woman and definitely wasn't Mateo. I peeked out over the edge of the bed to see the woman I assumed was Mateo's mother and Daria.

"Oh there you are darling, get your skinny butt into bed so we can feed you. You're to thin love and it is making me hungry just looking at you!" Daria's words took me by surprise and I couldn't help but simply stare at them.

"Come now sweetheart, you need to eat something I'm sure your hungry." She wasn't wrong I was starving. However, I wasn't due to be eating anything for another two days. Master had a very strict schedule on which they fed me and no one dared to diverge from it. Even the women who snuck me food gave it to me on feeding days so that it wouldn't seem suspicious.

Cautiously I stood from where I was crouched and eyed the food on the tray Mateo's mother carried. There was a bowl full of some kind of soup, and I couldn't help but think that it was poisoned. Master use to do that when he wanted to move me somewhere new and didn't want me to know about where I was going. There was also a container of a brown substance that I didn't recognize and I couldn't help but wonder what it would taste like. The woman must have noticed my fascination with it because she picked it up and offered it to me.

"Do you want some?" She asked extending the container to me. I studied her wondering what her angle on this could possibly be. After a few moments I let my need for food outweigh my need for safety and I reached out to grab the container. Suddenly the women let out a high pitched sound that sent me diving back down on my side of the bed.

"Oh, I am so sorry, but I realized I never introduced myself. I'm such an idiot I am so sorry that I startled you dear, please come back out. My name is Niriol Lyndon and I am Mateo's mother." I bolt of accomplishment shot through me when I realized my assumption had been right. I allowed just my eyes to be seen over the edge of the bed so that I could observe them.

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