Chapter 26: Moving Pictures

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I stared at the screen in wonder as the figures ran around laughing and smiling. I had never seen anything like it before. I knew that the thing holding them was called a television because I had cleaned them back at my Master's house. I had never known what they were for though as I had never seen anyone use them until today. Occasionally I would hear them going in different rooms but I had no clue what they really did.

Now I as I gazed at the human-like characters I couldn't figure out how they all fit in such a small box. It was strange to think a whole other world was hidden inside the television. I suspected they weren't entirely real, but I couldn't be sure, It made me a little nervous so I scooted a little closer to Mateo, less scared of him then I was of the screen.

"How do they all fit in there?" As soon as I asked I knew it was a stupid question.

"I m ...mean, I don....don't know I just ...umm ...I...." I tried to take back my question but Mateo quietly shushed me.

"They aren't real, they are made up by other people to entertain those around them. It was made with a computer. Pretty much everything you see on T.V is fake, made up to give people a way to forget about the real world for a little while. Does that make sense?" He asked me, he was cautious in his movements careful not to scare me. I appreciate it because I wasn't sure exactly what I thought of him yet.

"Yes, that m....makes sense." I relax slightly now that I am closer to him and get lost in the show. The characters were adorable and I loved Stitch. He was so cute, and he hadn't been treated well. They had kept him locked up just like I had been and I felt bad for him. But Lilo seemed to be taking good care of him. I laughed at the funny parts and waited to see what would happen.

After a while, Lelo showed Stitch a story, and I was truly captivated. It is the story of a duck who finds themselves lost and without their family or anyone to help them. I knew how that little duck felt as it wandered alone with no one around him to help. But then he was rescued by his family, they did not leave him there alone. My eyebrows scrunched together as I began to think about how long I was alone and that no one came to save me. I so badly wish that my family could have saved me, they would have found me and taken me away from all the pain and suffering.

"Why ...why fam co ...come and save" I couldn't look at Mateo as I asked the question. For some reason it made me feel extremely vulnerable to ask him. I didn't know what I wanted the answer to be, but I knew that there was something I was scared for him to say.

"Oh Elvira, I don't know why they didn't come. It's possible that they did look for you and couldn't find you. They might think that you are dead, they could have stopped looking for you because they assumed something too terrible to think about happened. Unfortunately, they could also have died, either when you were taken in an attack, or afterward due to any number of causes. So I really don't know why no one came and got you before I showed up, but I've got you know and I would love it if you would be willing to let me and my family be your family as well."

It hurts my heart to think that my family, people that I couldn't even remember were dead. I know that I couldn't remember anything about anyone who would have been in my family. I knew I had parents and I knew that there were lots of other kids around when I was a kid but I had no clue if they were my siblings or just lived with us. But the idea that Mateo would allow me to share his family with me was something I would never have thought of.

"Do you t ...think they wou....would be oka....okay with t....that?" I didn't want to get my hopes up afraid that if I showed too much interest he would take it away from me.

"I am sure they would not mind, in fact, I think they would be thrilled to have you as a part of our family," Mateo reassured me scooting closer to me on the couch and we both relaxed and went back to watching the movie. As the aliens and people began chasing each other in giant floating things my eyelids grew heavy and I could no longer keep them open.

I was back in the damp and dreary room I called my home. My back raw from the lesson Master had given me to remind me that I wasn't supposed to talk unless expressly told to do so by him or one of his men. I hadn't meant to say anything, but when one of his men jerked my arm too hard while bringing to do one of my chores I had accidentally cried out for him to stop.

It was my fault I knew better than to open my mouth but sometimes something inside of me would fight back against the idea. I hated that thing, whatever it was, it had caused me more pain than I could keep track of. I could usually keep it under control but I was so distracted by trying to keep my feet underneath me so I wouldn't fall over that I hadn't even stopped to think of what my mouth was doing.

From one of the cracks in the wall came a creaking that I knew all too well. Someone was coming down here, from the footfalls I could almost guarantee that it was going to be my Master. I had no clue what mood he might be in when he got down here, but I did know that I didn't want any more punishments than I had already received. My body scrambled to get into the proper position before he could enter before my mind even fully proceed what was going on.

The latches on the door began to unlock and the door swung inward. I kept my eyes pinned to the ground. That was a lesson I had recently learned from Master and I knew breaking it would incur a severe punishment. It would be something he would be paying specific attention to and I wanted to please my Master.

"Good pet, always working so hard to please me. I know that it has been a hard week for you, but remember that it is your fault as you are the one who broke the rules. Rules that are broken cannot be forgotten and I know that you will work harder to follow them." His fingers ran through my hair, an action that I knew was meant to calm me and show me that I was no better than a dog being petted.

"Since I think you will work harder to follow the rules I've decided to give you a present." From behind his back, he pulled out a roll. A whole roll that looked as though it had just been taken from the kitchen as steam still rose from it. I couldn't help but stare in longing at the fresh bread.

Master brought it to his mouth and took a large bite eating half the roll in one swallow. My mouth watered at the thought of having something like that to warm my stomach. I hadn't been brought any food yet today and I was hungry, desperate to get my hands on the food but knowing I could do nothing.

Another bite and the roll only had another half of the section gone leaving only a small bite of roll left. I had to work hard to not whimper at the sight of the delicious food being taken from my view bit by bit and all I wanted was to shove it down my throat. This is when Master reached his hand out to me and put the food right in front of my mouth.

"My gift for you my pet, and don't forget what I do for you every day." I slowly accepted the food into my mouth slowly chewing the warm and fluffy roll. It was heaven on Earth.

"Thank you, Master, I will never forget your generosity."

I woke suddenly to find my stomach growling. I was still on the couch curled up while the T.V showed another picture but it was one I had never seen before. I ignored it as I realized I had not had anything to eat for a while and realized that I had been overfed lately. It was probably going to be a long time before they gave me food again. I knew I would be unable to fall asleep again, so I carefully got up making sure not to awaken Mateo as I did so. I walked to the front door deciding if I was going to be here I should learn where everything was and start on my regular chores. 

AN: Hope the new update is good, promise more are coming just needed to take a break to really figure out what I was doing.

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