★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ]彡★

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★彡[3ʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴘ

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★彡[3ʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ]彡★

It was one of the hottest days of the year as the cadets rode on their horses. Sweat trickled down the golden eyed girl's face but luckily she wasn't tired or fatigued. She looked at the ground below, since her and her group of comrades were on the edge of a cliff, and let out a sigh, wondering why the Commandant had chosen today of all days for an exercise.

"For today's exercise, you'll be split into two groups! You are to make a round trip to your target location on horseback and record your progress with a given time period! You will return here, to the base, before your time is up! The journey to your destination will go on for about 40 kilometers! Each group will have a group leader and scribe for record keeping! Both groups will set out at the same time and head towards the forest! Your main task is to trade information at the target location before returning back to the starting point, thus completing a loop! The objective of this exercise is for us to evaluate your ability to sustain yourselves in the absence of a crises! That is all; straightforward and simple! It could be thought that this training is one that even you cowards could easily pass, but it's not! In any situation, do not forget your will to fight! Emergency or not, a soldier is always a soldier! Don't dare succumb to peaceful boredom! Never stop exercising your hands and feet! This training is also a battle! Do not forget that!" Shadis had yelled earlier that day. 

"How long till we reach the place?" Annie asked the leader, Thomas.

"Probably fifteen minutes if we continue with this speed." He answered.

"Why did Shadis have to make us do this exercise today of all days?" Reiner asked as he ran his fingers through his short blonde hair.

"He likes to see us suffer obviously." Ymir replied, just as annoyed as he was. Diana stayed quiet and continued to look at the scenery beside her. Although it was hot, it was quiet since there were no animals nearby. There were little trees which had caused the land to dry up and the plants to die. This made Diana sad because she knew that this was a place that was surrounded by nature but now it looked like a wasteland, maybe the humans had cut down the trees for firewood.

"Look there's a river up ahead!" Daz exclaimed. "Can we stop for a break?!"

Thomas let out a sigh after a few moments of silence. "Fine. Only for five minutes." The others cheered and hurried over to the water, ready to quench their thirst. When Diana reached the river, she took out her flask and filled it with water. She didn't know whether the river would continue or if they would find another water source at the campsite, so she wasn't taking any chances. Mikasa and Thomas were discussing what route to use while the others replenished their energy and fed their horses.

"Here." A voice said to Diana who was running her fingers through her horse's mane. She turned to see it was Annie who was holding out a towel to her.

"Thanks." She said as she took the fluffy white material and wiped her face.

"Hey guys! I found some fruits! We can have some for dinner!" A cadet said as he ran from the nearby group of trees.

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