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Unfortunately, the short brunette was nowhere to be found. Despite this, you kept looking for him in every corner of the hallway and rooms only to gain no new intel on his whereabouts, but twice as much worry for the boy who ran away from you.

After what almost felt like hours, you came across a room with a grand, ornate door that was swung wide open, welcoming anyone to walk in. You went inside the place only to realize it was a library. Could it be that the boy went inside this room? He certainly could, judging by how wide and spacious the place was.

There were thousands upon thousands of shelves that went from the floor all the way to the top of the high ceiling, all completely filled with books with various bright colours adorning their spines. It almost seemed like the walls were made from the books themselves. You walked around, eyes searching only to find Wilbur, one hand was pulling a book from the shelf and his other hand holding onto a stack of books. He seemed to be deep in thought as he examined the shelves.

It looked like he was struggling with all of the reading material he had to collect, and so you decided to walk towards him and help with bringing the stack of books he held with one hand to a table. Stopping in his search for the books he was picking, he turned to look at you.

"(Y/N)?" He said in surprise.

"Hey, emo," you greeted back with a grin on your face.

He had only looked away from you, hiding a tint of pink that dusted across his face while placing the book he held back onto the shelf.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a hint of caution in his voice.

"Searching... but I can postpone that for now. I just want to help you out. You seem to have your hands full," you said jokingly.

"I am perfectly capable of doing everything by myself," he stated indignantly.

He tried to take back the books within your hold to his but you intertwined your fingers with him, stopping him from grabbing the books.

"Just let me help out," you said and he took a moment of thought before pulling his hand away from yours in a hurry.

"Only for this once. If you're feeling tired though, just tell me," he said while continuing to take a few books off the shelf.

"So, you like reading?" You asked.


"Barely?" You repeated his answer in confusion.

"Not all people who like to read are intelligent and not all intelligent people like to read," he said, you assumed he meant himself as part of the intelligent group.

"Then why are you here picking up books?"

"Hm... you could say I'm trying to reread some old discoveries," he answered, walking away from the self he stood in front of and you tailed behind him.

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