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━━━━ 'FUCK

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━━━ 'FUCK... IS THIS REAL..?'

It was a weird mix of emotions inside of you at the moment, most of amazement and confusion. Walking around the place, you examined your surroundings. 

Flying cars? Electric Vehicles? All the things you could think of that would live in the future, Things that used to only be mentioned in cartoons had come to life.

Back in your time, the inventions you see today were only some kind of topic in conversations or things only the wealthiest of people could afford. Today, anyone could practically own those things but only if they were to have a license for it of course.

Feeling rather lost in what time or what year you even live in, you had looked to read a billboard screen.

"Welcome to the year of-" You gasped in surprise, leaving your sentence unfinished. "I've been away for 3 years?!" You exclaimed, mouth ajar.

It was insane to think that you'd been in RE:LIFE for nearly 3 whole years now. The world had already become such a mystery to you with all the changes that happened while you were staying at the company. It was like a distant memory, all the things that you could remember of your life before you downloaded that app.

Frozen on the spot as you tried to process everything that was going on through your mind, your shoulders had bumped onto another's, who was dashing off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She apologized immediately before continuing to rush out of your sight and headed to wherever she was going.

Without her notice, a small silver ring fell off her bag. You took it from the ground and looked around to return it back to the woman but she had already left and was nowhere in sight. Not knowing what to do with it, you decided to take a closer look at it before keeping it inside of the oversized labcoat you wore. Maybe one day you'll meet her again.

You continued off to wander around the place, passing through shops as only indoor cafes and small stores were the only ones to be available. People no longer like public places like shopping centers and arcades but rather simplistic and small areas that they find comfortable enough as an indoor stay. Generations and evolvement truly had changed as it progresses.

Smelling the sweet scent of warm tea and freshly baked bread, you followed the aroma which had led you to a small drive-thru bakery stand with a few bakers, waiting for their next customers to arrive. Curious and craving for a bite of the pastries, you headed to it.

(so basically its almost like a drive thru but instead of people in cars, its just people. Like they just order from there you know without their cars. Idk how to explain it better in the paragraph.)

"Hello! I am Michelle Chair! What can I get for you?" A girl with red hair greeted you.

She was so familiar to you that it practically reminded you of the same biologist you had met before. Red hair and blue eyes... could you just be mistaking her for someone else?

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