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Beyonce woke up remembering the bomb sex her and Nicki had last night. Flashbacks filled her mind and she knew she had to get up before she got carried away and she knew her baby would be whiny when she got up.

She ran her a bath and put bath bombs and Dr.Teals Lavender soothing liquid to help soothe her legs. She went down stairs and grabbed her some water and tylenol and went in the bathroom to stop the water. Just as she was finished Nicki started stirring around in the bed and whining.

"Baby come backkk." -Nicki whined and sighed because she was in the bed all alone.

"My legs and stomach hurts babe." -Nicki says as she finally wakes up and tears fills her eyes

"I know mama but don't cry come on I started you a bath." -Bey says while kissing her tears away
When bey was about to pick her up she noticed blood in the bed and paused in her tracks.

"What babe?" -Nicki

"Nothing." -Bey says about to pick her up

Nicki looks back and instantly got embarrassed.

"Omg." -Nicki

"It's alright babe come on." -Bey says holding her arms out.

"But I dont wanna get blood on you." -Nicki felt herself about to cry again

Beyonce shakes her head and picks nicki up and sets her in the bath.

"Heres some tylenol and water." -Beyonce

Nicki took it.

"I'm sorry babe but good thing i only have my period for 2 days 3 max so we can have sex again." -Nicki

"That's good you only have it for like 2 days because the pain is excruciating but baby I promise not being able to have sex with you rn is the least of my worries I just want you to be comfortable and relax." -Bey

"Your right I'm sorry your different I know." -Nicki

"If you apologize one more time I'm beating you up Tanya." -Bey says as she walks away going to change the sheets.

Nicki cackles and smiles really wide.

As beyonce takes the sheets to the washing machine she decided this would be the best time to call rihanna.

"Hi Rih." -Bey

"Hey Bey what's up." -Rih

"So basically Nicki stomach and legs were hurting and"- GCO -Bey

"Hmm I wonder why." -Rih said smirking.

"Girl that is not the point." -Bey says chuckling

"Anyways her period came on and she was embarrassed and all that. My original plan today was to go to the mall and pick up all of her birthday presents but now I also want to run to the store real quick and get her a few things. So I was wondering if you could keep her company during the whole time and do girl stuff idk keep her suspicions low." -Bey

"You got her spoiled and yeah I know what you mean I'll be there soon."-Rih

"Thank you rih I also want to thank you for helping out with the picnic and this whole thing with her birthday and I have to admit in the beginning I was jealous of you and Nicki's relationship but your a really good friend to nicki and I appreciate it." -Bey

"Your welcome and of course she deserves it and you have nothing to worry about I love y'all lil relationship." -Rih

"Ain't nothing little over here." -Bey

"Alr now Bey goodbye I'm omw." -Rih

Bey laughs

"Okay see you soon." -Bey

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