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Harvey's POV:

April the 3rd in Newhill England,

I walk down the grand marble stairs of my house- more like mansion, making my way to the well lit kitchen.

I spot a maid cooking up breakfast, bacon, eggs and toast and I can faintly hear my belly rumble.

I quickly take a seat as I notice her putting the food onto a plate, once she turns around she jumps a little not knowing I was there. But here I am sitting patiently with my arms crossed on top of the counter, a smirk on my face after seeing her tired look.

She puts the plate down in front of me (rather harshly may i add) with a scowl written on her face as I smugly start to dig in.

With her job done in the kitchen she moves her way out into god knows where, probably to clean any smudge or dust that might be there. We have so many maids that most of the time they're sat with nothing to do since the house is always spotless.

It's kind of a sad life they live really. Cleaning up after others, I couldn't imagine anything worse.

"Careful Linda, with that attitude it might cause your salary to drop" I say with a smirk, chewing on a peice of bacon- which i admit she did cook to perfection- I chuckle under my breath as I hear her scurry away like a frightened little mouse.

Once I'm finished with this basic meal I drop the plate in the sink, someone else can clean it. I mean, that's what they're getting paid for right? Then I go back up the large stairs trampling over the carpet stretching from the bottom step to the top, heading into my room.

There's a sign on the door reading;


Because all the maids try to come in and clean but I got paranoid once, as my mother put it, and snapped at someone who moved my diary by an inch on my nightstand.

Me thinking she read it so I banned everyone from coming in and had a full blown hissy fit, how my father puts it, causing him to fire said maid.

It worked out well in the end for me because I never did like that nosy cow.

Anyway once I'm in my room where I can have as much privacy as I want, I take off my green dressing gown and toss it on a nearby chair.

Then walking to my closet I grab some black shorts and a white t, putting them on I look to the mirror. It's quite warm today, which I suppose it should ought to be considering it is spring, nearing summer time.

College had finished for me and most people as we've completed all our work early. I'm glad at that because if I had to be in a room with them morons any longer I don't think I could handle it.

When I woke up about an hour ago now, I was blinded by the sun so I knew my parents wouldn't be home on a hot day like this, so I decided to spend it out in the sun by myself In peace for once.

Which is why I am currently laying on my mother's sunbed trying to gain a tan although my pale skin would never allow it. Sun burn was the only thing I could catch and that was a pain.

My shades are on so I'm not blinded by the beams of bright light and my t-shirt came straight off when I went outside. Though I had a towel over my torso, which would probably prevent me from getting a tan but oh well.

My garden is quite huge, it's basically a feild at this point.

There's a swimming pool which I would go in but I have neighbours right next to me, the house to my left is empty though but not the one to my right. It would be awkward if I just stripped and went swimming. I don't like being unclothed in front of people.

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