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29th April

Milo's POV:

I knew something was happening with Harvey, the day we went in the pool together. His dad saw us when he came back and told me it was probably time to leave, Harvey went quiet and his face just dropped. Which isn't a normal reaction, or maybe he just didn't know what time his father was coming home. But it was weird either way.

Anyway since then I haven't seen him.

He hasn't been in his garden sunbathing, and his curtains have been closed so I couldn't see in. Not in a creepy way, I was trying to look where he was.

He told me about his dad that day- that he thinks he wouldn't approve of him, I got the message. I understood what he meant. That his father wouldn't be happy if he stated outloud that he likes boys.

Which I don't get. How can any parent hate the idea of their child being who they are, and liking who they want.

I came out young, always knew I liked boys too. My parents knew since I was a little kid, they didn't care. They just wanted me to be happy. It's sad that Harvey doesn't have that, but then again I don't really know much about his family so I might have just jumped to conclusions.

After all I don't know how his mother feels about it.

Then again I don't know much about him. I know the odd fact here and there, but I don't know him deep down.

I wanted to hang with him again because I'm bored in the house doing nothing. And I've got nothing to do until college starts up in May but I don't want to waste my time in doors.

I look out my window again to see if I can spot him, but all I see are his curtains tightly shut. I sigh at that. Jumping back on my bed my head hits the pillow and I glance up at the blank ceiling.

I think back to the small bruise on Harvey's cheek the other day, he said he got it from hitting a door. But I can tell he's not like that, he isn't clumsy. His moves and steps are all calculated, it's like he watches out for his every muscle moving and limb twitching.

Like he's scared of what would happen if he steps one toe out of line.

He's in controll of his body, it's stiff not all over the place. So I don't think he's clumsy enough to walk straight into a door. But whatever it is he's clearly hiding the real reason behind the bruise.

I think back to his dad, at the charity gathering he threw, I saw him with gritted clenched teeth and a stiff posture. Pointing a long finger right in Harvey's face, he seemed angry. He seems like a guy that would be angry a lot- over the smallest of things.

But like I said, I don't know any of them. I'm just saying what I see.

I'm quite perceptive and observant, I like to spot things about a person, read them like an open book. It's quite fun, to know someone just by looking through their eyes.

From the first moment I met Harvey I could tell he was guarded, and he is. He doesn't open up- nothing too deep anyway. He hides behind a mean persona and pushes people away. He thinks friends are a weakness- something his father fed him, when in actuality they're a strength.

Because friends see stuff like this, how he bottles things away. How he hides behind a fake personality, and how his dad clearly isn't the perfect mayor this town seems to think.

I've decided to keep an eye out for that. His dad seems... I don't know. There's just something not right there.

He doesn't act like how a father should act with their son, I should know.

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