Twenty nine

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"Maybe I made the wrong choice, maybe I shouldn't have said that" it's a couple days later and I'm freaking out. Wondering if I made the right decision in telling my friends, but it's not like I can go back and change it. And they would just be questioning me, wondering why I have a bruise.

I pace back and forth near Milo who's sat on his bed watching me, I hear him sigh. "I'm glad you told someone, and they're not going to think differently of you." They're coming over soon which is why I'm nervous, I haven't seen them since I confessed. We went home and on the car journey they kept giving me these looks.

"And if you want to maybe tell someone else..." Milo trails of quietly, fiddling with his hands. I stop pacing to glare at him.

"No, I'm not going to! Not yet atleast" I see him sag down and my anger spikes, "and stop pushing me to tell someone! I've already told all our friends!" I yell, throwing my arms up.

"I'm not!" He groans, wiping a hand on his face and then he stutters out, "shit i am, I'm sorry" I roll my eyes at him and glance at the window that leads into my stupid room.

I huff, "whatever, fuck off" I say because I don't know what else to say, his hands drops from his face and he shakes his head.

"Don't get snappy with me, I said I'm sorry" he whines like a child and I cross my arms.

"Be quiet, you're being so whiney." I complain, because I want to think not hear him.

His mouth falls open before speaking, "stop being a dick" he looks more serious now so I roll my eyes.

"You're making me be a dick" I point out and he splutters again, looking confused as he throws his hands up.

"What did I do!?" I shrug, not knowing what to say right now but knowing that he is pissing me off so he's obviously done something. He looks at me expectedly and I throw my arms up.

"You're pissing me off!" He gives me an unimpressed look and I shrug, I stop pacing and see him watch me as I nibble on my nails nervously. They will be here soon, what if they judge me, what if they think bad of me now, what if they don't like me, what if they laugh at me, what if they don't believe me?

Milo takes my hand and pulls me towards him, making me look in his eyes, "don't be mad" he starts, softly. In a calming voice and I look to him, "I'm sorry, and it's all going to be okay, don't be scared. They're your friends and they love you, and you trust them right?" I nod after a minute and he smiles.

Then I scowl at him because I remember I'm supposed to be annoyed with him, damn that doesn't seem to last very long lately.

"Havery, talk to me please" he sighs and I huff, my fingers wiggling in his hands to get free.

"I'm not talking to you anymore because I'm done with you, I thought that was pretty clear" he scoffs and a moment later pulls me onto the bed with him. I fall down and he's besides me looking down at me as I give him a grufty look. "I could have died there i hope you know."

He nods with a small pout, "I do know" then he kisses me and my scowl softens, I moan into the kiss as he sticks his tongue in my mouth, finding my own tongue.

His fingers play with my hair, tugging on a few strands as he deepens the kiss. He looks back a moment later with dazed eyes and I bet I have the same glossy gone look. I grab his collar and bring him back down for more, he puts his hand on my chest and slowly trials down and I whine as he gets to my crotch.

He pulls back but not too far and I can hear myself breathing loudly, "do you want to-" "yes" I breathe out in a shaky voice and he smiles, going back to kissing me. He squeezes me and I groan, gripping the bed sheets below me.

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