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April 16th

My parents didn't come home last night- which is good, it just gives me extra time to try fix the carpet and the couch.

The maid was totally useless as usual and couldn't even slightly get the stains out, so I fired her ass. She ran away crying but then again she didn't do her job so it's her own fault.

It's morning and my parents are still not home, I don't know if my dad's at work, or they went out somewhere. Or if they went to their friend's house like normal, but I'm just glad they're not here to see this absolute mess.

I couldn't sleep a bit last night and when it was morning I looked out the window and saw Milo fast asleep, the dick.

Considering this is all his doing I'm pissed he's happily sound asleep.

Right now I'm in the front room staring at the massive tea stain on he white carpet and on the couch. I'm just staring at it thinking of what to do with it, I know my parents are going to be mad. I could just say it wasn't me- because it wasn't.

But I doubt my father would believe me. They both didn't with the sunbed so why would they believe me about this.

I hear a knock at the door and I already know who it is so with a bored look, to mask my annoyance, I go to answer it. Milo has a big smile on his face which pisses me off even more. But I then remember the deal we made where I have to be nice so I inhale deeply and smile back. A clear fake one.

"Hi Harvey, want to hang?" I want to hang you.

"Sure" I grit through my fake smile and soon enough we're somehow out shopping. Milo suggested we should shop for a new rug that looks like the exact same in my living room but I knew there was no hope as the rug is one of a kind. From Paris or wherever my mother went without me.

Milo said that we might find something so it's worth a shot, and although I argued with him on this he somehow got his way. Which is why we entered a furniture shop.

I groan as I look around, I normally don't go out shopping like this. The only shopping I do is for clothes, everything else is useless to me.

Milo claps his hands together, "so, we're looking for a white rug and new cushions" we have to get new cushions because the happy idiot over here spilt drops on the ones in the front room. I look at him with a bored look, knowing this whole thing is pointless.

And soon enough it was and I got to laugh at his disappointed look as we left the building. "I told you there wouldn't be anything that looked like it" he just huffs and grabs my wrist with one hand. I look down with a disgusted look as he pulls me along the streets.

He clearly doesn't know boundaries.

"Well that's your parents fault for having everything they own one of a kind and special and unique" I roll my eyes at that- because it's true but also because he clearly doesn't know my parents. Everything has to be perfect. Under my breath i say "you're unique" which he doesn't hear.

Anyway, that's why my parents moan at me any time I make the smallest of mistakes or don't do everything to perfection.

Like getting 99% on my tests instead of a 100. "Would you let go!" I snap at him and he puts his hands up in surrender. I glare at him but he doesn't care as he continues walking down the street.

"Where would you like to go?" I look at him with a questionable look because I didn't sign up for this. I only came out to look for things that could help with the mess back home, "oh common, we're already out. Why not make the most of it" I roll my eyes and huff.

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