Twenty four

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6th June

Harvey's POV:

I've been sleeping around Milo's every night since he came into my room, he told me that I can't stay in that house with him. He said it's dangerous and not fair for me, i argued with him about it- of course.

But somehow I lost that argument so now I haven't been home since.

It's nice though, being with Milo every second of our day. We wake up and go to school together, his mum doesn't question it. Why I've been there so much, she just makes us dinner when it's dinner time and we sit together at a table. It's nice.

His mum is sweet, she always talks to me at the dinner table. Asking about myself, it's a big change from what I'm used to.

So yeah the last couple days have been fine, more than fine.

I'm just suprised my father hasn't phoned me asking where I am or why I'm not coming back home. It might be because I suprised him with talking back, i don't normally do that. Maybe it has quietened him down.

Or maybe it just made him angrier.

But anyway I'm happy, for now. This isn't a permanent thing, I've not moved in. I'm just sleeping round for a couple nights, it'd be weird if I move in to my-

My friend? Someone I'm dating? Whoevers house so soon.

Everyday that I do try to leave, Milo tells me I can't. Begs me to stay, he told me that I needed to tell someone- anyone about what is going on but I told him it's not that big of a deal. He told me I should tell the police and I laughed at him.

My father's the mayor, he runs the police.

And besides, who would believe me? He tried to convince me to tell his mother but then ended in a big argument. I made him promise that he couldn't tell anyone, not his mother, not our teachers, not my friends and denfintly not the police.

I could see that the promise made him tear apart, his eyes seemed so pained but I got my way. He's the only one who's allowed to know.

I feel like our friends know something though, when we went back to college it was sort of awkward between all of us. Milo wasn't his cheerful self and I didn't talk much, still shocked about everything that has happened. That Milo knows.

But right now we are all in the car, just reaching our desintation. Oakley wanted to go to our hills and it's a Sunday so we thought why not, it's quite warm too.

We all pile out the car with Oakley droning on about his new girlfriend. The four of us, him and his girlfriend, me and Milo, went on our double date Oakley wanted. It was okay, I sort of felt like I was betraying Emmy.

But it's not Oakleys fault for not liking him.

I turn around to see Darcie and Emmy whispering to each other as we walk and I smile. They're probably talking shit about him.

I look down as someone grabs my hand and smiles when I see that it's Milo's hand, I quickly wipe it off as I look up to him and raise my brows in question.

I hear Oakley groan and I glance at him before snorting, his hand is on his back. I swear he's ancient, his bones are fraggil and always cracking. He moans constantly about how something on him always hurts, mostly his back.

"Hey, Oakley?"

"Yeah?" He turns his head over his shoudler and winces, beding down slightly.

I smirk, "do you ride the bus for free?" I hear Darcie and Emmy giggle amongst themselves. Oakley just furrows his eyebrows, looking confused.

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