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1st May

"Hey Harvey!" Milo waves manically at me as I put the black rubbish bag in the bins outside. I turn around and see him start to walk over to me, "here we fucking go again" I mutter to myself with an eye roll. And then suddenly he's infront of me and I jump back.

"What was that?" He questions with a smile and I groan, can I not have one days peace? "No you can't" did i say that out loud? I dust my hands of and cross them against my chest.

"What do you want now?" He breathes out a small laugh and looks around, it's quite warm outside. The sun is blinding and there's no clouds in the way, maybe I'll sunbathe and relax, or maybe go in the pool.

"I don't want anything, can't I come say hi to my friend?" I walk past him and further down the path leading to my house.

"Okay, you've said hello. Now leave" I turn around quick and see him right in front of me, he doesn't know personal space. He takes a step back when I raise a brow but he smiles brightly.

Then I realise I didn't correct him on us being friends, which is proabbly the first time. I sigh at that, I guess we are friends now. Only because he's just everywhere and there's no getting rid of him.

"Do you want to go out to town and grab something to eat?" I stare at him for a moment, do I want to do that? Do I really? No. But it's either that or be bored in my house alone all day, so why not.

I shrug which he takes as a sign I said yes and brightens up.

"Oh also, pinch" he pinches my arm slightly "punch" he punches my shoulder in a really weak limp way, "first day of the month." I rub at my whole arm and glare at him and his childish ways. But he just grins at me and soon my glare is softening.

This boy...


We find ourself in a big shopping centre looking around, the cafe seemed busy today so we didn't go. Instead we wondered around the shops.

We walk into a clothes shop which I'm happy about but there's humans everywhere which I do not like. "Ew people" I go the turn around and leave but Milo holds my shoudlers to keep me in place and I stare at him blankly.

"Common, don't be so grumpy. We're shopping for clothes, isn't that like your thing" I roll my eyes at him and shake of his hands. I observe the racks of jeans and the shirts on hangers and pull a face.

"I rather go to a more classy place, this looks like they get their clothes from homeless people." A staff member who stood near us heard me and glares before turning around and huffing dramatically and I can't help but scoff.

I look back to Milo who looks at me pointedly and i shrug, "it's not my fault they can't afford nice clothes, they shouldn't even have a shop like this in newhill." I look at the peasant clothes one last time before looking to Milo.

Milo rolls his eyes and grabs my wrist which I try to rip away, "who gave you permition to touch?" He chooses not to listen as he drags me out of the store and as soon as we're out he's whipping around and letting go of me.

"You can't just do that!" I scoff at him because he sounds ridiculous, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever said.

"I can and I just did" he sighs and steps closer. "Stop being a little brat, it's not funny to be rude for no reason" His voice raises slightly and I furrow my brows and take a step back.

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