Agitated gods

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AN: I'll be updating slower from now on, sorry to all the people who supported this story, including my followers. Thanks everybody for all the follows, favorites, and reviews. When you review, it helps me read the story from a different perspective that isn't the author's perspective. I can see how the plot works from the reader's perspective and how you all are liking it. The reviews don't need to be constructive criticism by any means, just outright insults aren't tolerated. I'm not trying to set a bar for how well-versed or good the review needs to be, any reviews that aren't completely negative and bashing my story are absolutely ok with me. Even reviews that aren't all that productive help. Thanks for all the reviews again, even if the reviews are anonymous, they do help me run the story along and give me a good vantage point. Remember, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

On a side note: Who's POV do all of you want next?

Agitated gods

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 5

A few days after Zeus' ascension

Hestia sighed, dropping on the bench next to the hearth of Olympus. Her heart clenched at the thought of Perseus. Perseus, her loyal brother, king of Olympus.

Former king of Olympus, she reminded herself. The hearth sat at a miserable height of five feet, a far cry from the blazing twenty feet that it used to be. All the joy on Olympus that Perseus brought with him was gone. The somber mood settled over Olympus, and nothing could cheer anyone up. Athena was always in her gigantic library of books, reading to avoid the thought of Perseus. Artemis snapped at anyone who spoke to her on Olympus; she usually out hunting monsters. Apollo and Hermes visited bars often, drinking themselves out of their misery and having mortal children wherever they went. Demeter tended to her crops like a hermit farmer, and Poseidon and Hades, her dear brothers, stayed in their respective domains, refusing to even speak with the lord of the skies. Aphrodite was always polishing her already impeccable makeup. Hestia snorted uncharacteristically. Hera and Zeus were the only ones who were fully happy with the outcome, along with Ares and that drunk wine god Dionysus. Though she supposed a drunk god couldn't necessarily express many emotions other than happiness.

The goddess of the hearth pursed her lips in frustration. She had planned to reveal her feelings to her brother, albeit with a possibility of utter disaster. Her heartbeat sped up frantically whenever Perseus hugged her; she had dropped so so many hints about her feelings, but the man was as dense as they could get; which is to say that he was denser than a brick. Their embraces never lasted long, probably because her brother thought she was uncomfortable judging from her heartbeat. Hestia cursed herself for being so hesitant to reveal her love for him. Now, her brother was gone, cast into Tartarus, never to see the light of day again.

Back to present time

Throne Room of Olympus

"Athena, what is our next plan of action?" Zeus inquired with a worried face towards the goddess of architecture. Zeus was no idiot when it came to preserving his power and his throne. The goddess of wisdom appeared distressed by Perseus' return, biting her lower lip nervously.

"We must secure as many alliances as possible. Should Perseus have joined forces with the Titans, this war would be impossible to win."

"Hermes," Zeus barked, "bring the minor gods of Olympus. They will be grateful to defend their home from this threat."

Hermes nodded and flashed away, vanishing in a golden light.

Foolish gods, Perseus muttered to himself, watching the council from the shadows. Now they come crawling back for forgiveness. Well, he chuckled lowly, don't bite the hand that feeds you. No, it's don't bite the hand that protects you... Perseus shook himself out of his thoughts as a smug grin crossed his face. His little brother grew more jittery by the second, while his other little brother, Poseidon, was completely at ease, and even happy. The stupid ass Ares was smiling from ear to ear at the idea of another war, while the dumbass wine god was pale and sweating, finally woken up from his drunken sleep. How was an incompetent, inept wine god even an Olympian? Probably because he was Zeus' son, Perseus deduced. There was no other explanation. Aphrodite was looking over her nails again. Stupid, vain goddess. Probably didn't even have a brain big enough to realize she could perish. The god of time snorted to himself, almost a little too loudly, but he managed to muffle it with his domain over darkness. Hera bit her lip hard, blood coming out, but she didn't seem to care. Demeter ran her hands through her hair, fidgeting in her throne. Fidgeting was reserved for demigods, Perseus thought, demigods you all don't give a shit about. I do need to compete with the titan lord of time for demigods, he thought. Perseus immediately frowned at the thought of his father, the infamous Crooked Titan. Perseus stopped thinking about the silver-tongued lord of time and kept observing the Olympian council.

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