A Blast from the Past

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AN: Ten chapters! Finally, we've hit the double digit mark! I'm happy with how this story is progressing in terms of the word count per chapter as well as the quality of my writing.

So, some people are still unhappy about the 'yes' winning on the harem, and guest reviewer 'LasVegas' raised a good point, so I want to address the people who are strongly opposed to the harem happening.

Guest Reviewer LasVegas said, "'Yes' is most likely gonna win on the poll so I just wanna say that it wouldn't fit the characters and completely undermines what made Percy 'him' in the original book hence why I think something like that shouldn't be part of this story, I just wanna say this since I don't have an account or can vote."

The intent of the harem is mainly to satisfy my readers. No doubt some people will be unsatisfied and or unhappy, but such is the way of polls. The original book details Percy's noble and self-sacrificing fatal flaw of loyalty. My Perseus has a much different character from Rick Riordan's Perseus in the PJO and HOO series, as well as TOA to some extent.

I do not intend this book's Perseus to convey the same sense of unwavering loyalty, since Perseus is/was king of the gods. Ambition must override loyalty at some point for Perseus, and his loyalty is essentially fractured due to his fall. As to the question implied about romantic loyalty, I do not see the harem as contradicting his romantic loyalty as long as I frame it correctly, provided that the harem option wins out.

Tallies: 79 to 53 in favor of a harem FFN, 25 to 4 in favor of a harem Wattpad.

I love reviews, so any form of reviewing (provided that it is non-toxic) is welcome! Following and favoriting are also great! Please share this story to others so that they can enjoy as well!

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A Blast from the Past

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 10

"Here, yes. Now draw back slowly... there you go."

Artemis released her hold on Perseus as the king of the gods fired his arrow straight into a tree... which tore straight through the bark and left a gaping hole in the center, ripping through another three trees before it silently landed a lake.

A water nymph rose from the lake, her features clearly angry as well as her body language, as her arms were raised to throw some kind of stick at the intruder (yeah, like that'd do much against an immortal) and she was fully ready to violently rebuke and yell at whatever idiotic moron that had shot an arrow into her precious lake.

Except it was Perseus, the king of the gods, and her, well, "celebrity crush", if you will.

The nymph quickly turned away, flushing green as she gave a shy wave to the king of the gods, who obliviously waved right back.

The nymph retreated into the water, surely to gush over and gossip with her sisters and friends about how the Perseus, famed for his prowess and looks across the entire mythological world, had looked at her.

The god of darkness turned back to Artemis, shrugging as the auburn-haired goddess stared at him with a mixture of disappointment, amusement, and... was that... jealousy?

No, he must be imagining things.


Perseus grinned sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck as the moon goddess facepalmed, her auburn locks covering her face.

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