The Age of Darkness Part 2 and more shenanigans

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AN: Harem votes are 83 to 54 FFN and 26 to 5 Wattpad

Keep voting! I'm going to close the votes after this chapter, so that I don't end up pulling the romance subplot too far along the main plot.

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The Age of Darkness Part 2 and more shenanigans

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 11

The lord of the underworld was currently extremely grumpy. Charon had to come begging for more pay, and when he had acquiesced, he wanted MORE!

The god grumbled to himself unhappily.

He couldn't throw the stupid ferryman into the Styx since, well he actually needed him. Why didn't he just get some other god again?

Oh right, because Charon had somehow weaseled himself into the job, and Hades hadn't cared at the time, figuring a random god as a ferryman was better than some mortal. And now he had to pay the price for it, literally.

Granted, Hades was the god of riches, but Charon asked for more money to indulge in his ITALIAN SUITS!

Then again, Hades liked them too. The nice, intricate fabric of the suits along with them being well-fitted...

The god of the underworld touched the fine Italian fabric of his suit, relishing in how comfortable and well-fitting it was compared to other suits those mortals made...

He felt how soft his black tie was, and how deep black it was...

Giorgio Armani suits were just... exquisite.

Perhaps he was a bit of a hypocrite.

A violent rip in reality abruptly appeared in front of him, as if it was a pathway between dimensions.

Hades rose cautiously, brandishing his dark sword and preparing for any who dared to enter his domain. Few could enter his domain so easily, and whoever was on the other side was surely dangerous.

...On second thought, it was probably Perseus. The god of the underworld stowed his sword away and crossed his arms, tapping his foot and waiting for his brother to appear.

Of course, the god of mountains stepped through the rip with a huge, goofy smile on his face. Hades sighed exasperatedly, "Brother, why is it that you must always use this," he gestured to the rip in dimensions behind Perseus, "this... method of transportation?"

The god grinned at the lord of the underworld, "It's amazing! Of course, I would! Why not? It shocks the enemy and makes them afraid, that's one," he counted on his fingers, "then it looks cool. That's two. A one-two punch!"

"Alright, I'll give you the first one. It did scare me a bit," Hades admitted with a sigh, knowing what was coming next.

"BAAAHAHAHAHAhahahHAHAHA! The l-lord of the dead is-is scared of a-a rip in the fucking air!" Perseus wheezed, doubling over as he laughed hysterically like a maniac.

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