The Last Dance

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The Last Dance

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 28

"What is the meaning of this?"

Kronos hefted his scythe over his shoulder. His father, and his grandfather stood in front of him.

"The Olympians will win this war, son," Ouranos said, smug, emphasizing the word 'son'.

The primordial of the heavens and sky, arcs of not electricity, but true lightning flashing between his fingertips. Zeus stood beside him, his power dwarfed by the two immortals that faced each other.

"Zeus, do you realize what you are doing? Ouranos is trying to backstab you! At this moment, the primordials are fighting to take over this planet!" Kronos shouted. The calm composure and façade that the Mad Titan used to have was nowhere to be seen.

The god of lightning and the skies didn't reply. Ouranos seemed to be giving him power, and that was all Zeus of Olympus needed.

Kronos thinned his lips.

"Dread it," Ouranos stepped forward, hurling a bolt of lightning.

Kronos deflected it with his scythe.

"Run from it," a current of lightning struck his scythe, slithering along it, and ignoring its magical properties. Kronos was forced to stop it with a burst of titanly energy, sending it into the ground.

"Destiny arrives all the same," Ouranos grinned.

"Not necessarily."

There was an overly powerful burst of energy, and Kronos stepped back, watching. The energy signature was different. It was more reminiscent to his own, actually.

A man with a white beard touched down next to him. And Kronos knew it was Chronos, the protogenos of time.

"You took Zeus away from me with your dirty little trick, huh?" Chronos laughed without any mirth in his voice.

"It's interesting how you took this long to catch up, Chronos. Perhaps time is catching up with you. Oh, the irony," Ouranos chuckled, "Did the others truly keep you that long?"

"Unfortunately, yes. It took me a while before I was able to come here. Using Erebus, Gaia, and Pontus, huh? Fortunately, we were able to defeat your little trio. They are in slumber, you know?"

And then, the primordial of time glanced next to him, seeing the titan of time.

"The silver tongued Kronos," Chronos noted neutrally.

Kronos gulped. Chronos the primordial did not seem to like him very much.

Chronos sighed, "I suppose we need to fight together. Go. Fight Zeus. I will keep Ouranos occupied until then."

A bifurcating bolt of lightning forced them to separate and jump away.

Kronos went for Zeus, but the crafty god stuck to Ouranos' side, aware that he would lose almost immediately.

Chronos bolted forward, already trying to ensnare the powerful Ouranos in his strands of time. Ouranos slashed them away with a katana, emitting arcs of electricity.

The god uppercut with a fist, but Kronos deflected it with the flat of his scythe, before slamming the pommel into Zeus' stomach.

Meanwhile, Chronos locked his symbol of power, his staff, with Ouranos' sword. Or, he tried to.

Ouranos allowed the staff to slide along the length of his sword, and he slammed his knee into Chronos' stomach. The primordial of time, having not fought close range combat in so long, was unprepared.

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